Ariana and Aubrey

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Diana got a few weeks off before the brith of her babies. Diana rubbed her baby bump, the babies had been kick and moving around in her all day. Diana was wearing a blue skirt with a red turtleneck and her long wavy black hair down. Bruce was still working, just from home.
He did file it was because Diana was Pregnant so it wasn't a full lie. Diana sat on the couch, she felt in a lot of pain because the babies wouldn't stop kicking and moving.
Bruce came over to her. He was sitting on the dining table before.
"Are you okay" he said sitting next to her. He put one arm around her shoulder, "I'm fine it's just the babies" she said, "it's just the babies, Ah" she said, breathing really heavy. "Are you sure because, I can drive you" she cut him off "I trust me, I'm fine Bruce" she said to him.
After a few minutes pasted of in agony. "Honey, what do contraction feel like" she asked her boyfriend. "How would I know" he asked, ", I don't know google it" she cried, Diana was laying on the couch crying.
"Ok your probably in labor" he said reading his phone. "I'm not due till next week" she said, Bruce walked over to help his pregnant girlfriend off the couch. "Yeah But you're in labor" he said. Bruce and Diana rushed out, of the apartment.
Diana held on Bruce's hand, he ran much faster than her. Diana stop in the stair, her whole body hurt then, she realize her water broke. Bruce stop "Diana come on" he said then he realize. "Diana, We're going to make it" he said helping her back up.
He was pretty much caring her. He drove as fast as he could to the hospital. Diana mostly sat in pain and yelled in Ancient Greek. "Drive faster!" Diana yelled "Diana, this is as fast as I can go!"  he yelled back. Bruce was also Panicked because, this is because her water broke then, he started acting weird.
When they made it to the hospital, Bruce tried to talk to the staff. They finally found someone who could understand him and, rushed Diana away too the delivery room.

12 hours later:
"Ahhhh!!" Diana cried, she was holding Bruce's held ridiculously tight. She tried her best not to break it. She cursed in Ancient Greek. The Doctor told her to keep pushing. Diana knew Bruce was really tired. She felt bad about it for some reason "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she cried to him, "for what" he asked her.
"I know your tired" she said, Diana moaned "Diana I'm not tired, your fine, keep pushing" he said to her. "Ahhhh" she yelled. Diana was on a lot of drugs but, she still was in pain. Diana felt a head, which made her in more pain, Diana held Bruce's hand tight. She felt bad because she thought broke his hand.
She also cried a little bit. Bruce and Diana heard crying like a baby crying. "It's a girl" the Doctor said in French. She was asking Bruce in French if he wanted do something. Diana was so tired and in pain till pushing.
She wasn't done yet, she had a hole other baby to push out. The 1st baby was out and, she notice Bruce was holding there newborn. She was still crying, the nurse helped he put her down. It took a few more minutes till the baby number two came. Where Bruce did the same but, the nurse grave Diana baby number one. "Aww" Diana said still on a lot of drugs. She held her new born to her chested, Bruce handed her the other which Diana held on her chest too.
She had a big smile looking at her girls. They both had her hair color and similar skin color to her. She couldn't full tell because, they were just born.

The morning:
Diana held Aubrey in her arms. She was really small, "what did the Doctor say her
Weight was" she asked Bruce. "They both weigh 5 pounds" he said, "oh my god, I knew that we're tiny but" she said "five pounds" she add, playing with Aubrey.
They were still the hospital, Bruce and Diana said they stay there still tomorrow, when'd they leave.
Her daughters really looked like her. They both had her black hair already. You couldn't fully tell there skin color because they were born a few hours ago but, they would probably have Diana color or a little mixture of Bruce. Being a maybe a shade lighter than her. The girls even had her eye color, being really dark brown. "She looks just like you" he said looking at his daughter. "I know, you gave me mini me's ,Bruce" she said smiling.
"Let's hope they don't get my accent either" she said quietly to the baby. She was really happy. She had what she want her baby girls. "What accent would our kids have" he asked her. "Well it depends on how well that speak English and, what there around most there life" she answered. "Like everyone around me had thick Greek" she said. "So are kids we'll have French" he said jokingly. "Pairs is a tourist trap" she said, "I said that because when your not home I speak ancientGreek to myself" she said. "That makes sense it's your first language" he said, sitting up.
He reached over to grab Ari out of the hospital crib. Diana was still hormonal so, seeing him gab there baby was cutest thing ever. He laid back down with them on the hospital bed. "Diana I think you just reduplicate, I'm not even the farther am I" He said. "What, What do you mean" she said for some reason this made her upset. "Diana that's not what I meant, it was a joke ok" he said pulling her face near him.
He didn't want the baby to start crying too. She felt bad she alway ruined everything because she was pregnant and now she wasn't but, she did it anyway. He had Ari sitting on his chest, she was so cute. "Aww look at her" she said, playing with her.

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