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Fast forward to the present time.

She sent.

The words that Sana wanted to say to her personally have been sent through messenger.

Damn quarantine, stopping her from confessing in person.

(At the same time, she knows that she doesn't have the courage to say it in person.)

8 minutes.

8 minutes had already passed but Sana, Sana is still anxious and hyperventilating.

She pushed her new transparent rimmed glasses on the upper bridge of her nose as she waited anxiously.

Sana then stood up from her seat, walking inside the living room as she sat beside with her little sister.


"Sana-eonni, stop cursing."

"How the heck can you sense if I'm cursing or not, Chaeyoung?" Sana creased her brows more as she turned off the data.

"You sometimes have a particular look on your face whenever you're cursing inside your mind. This time, your face shows your confused." Chaeyoung deadpanned as her eyes bored deep unto her older sister, seeing Sana's creased brows and deep frown.

Sana groaned because she knows her sister's right, her face burrowing deeper on one of the couch's pillows.

"I-I did it Chae but at the same time, I feel like I'm not ready but I already told her because this feelings have been stuck with me for more than two years b-but who's counting but really I think I messed up but I think I didn't-"

"Calm down."

"I can't!" Sana whined, her arms flailing.

Chaeyoung looked at her older sister with a look.

"Can you please change the channel for your sister, Chae?"

"Nope." Chaeyoung childishly answered as she stared deeply at the television, annoying the heck out of her older sister for liking that damn cartoon.

(But it's kinda funny sometimes, especially when that weird chicken and that looking-for-different-kinds-of-trouble arrive at the scenes.)

Sana glared before sighing, remembering her own problem and thinking Mina is one of the forbidden people that she can't have.

"I'm not Twice but I fancy you." Sana mumbled, looking at her picture with her fancied someone.

Chaeyoung patted her back.

"At least you did it though. It's been what, 3 years since you've been crushing on her?"

"2 years. I have been crushing on her for more than 2 years." Sana corrected.

"Same thing."

"How the hell is that the same thing?" Sana scrunched her nose as they started to bicker again.

"Go away, eonni. I'm trying to watch the show."

"I'll tell Tzuyu about your stupid sleeping habits."

"You can't do anything though. She's my best friend.

"Fine fine." Sana brought her hands up as a sign off backing away, walking back to her outside spot earlier.

Sana huffed as she sat down, the unusually humid air of a late afternoon change entirely into a slow cold wind as it gushed stubbornly to her semi-sweat covered body.

"Good thing I smell incredibly great even though I'm sweaty."

Sana chuckled, clutching the phone with her right hand as she swept her hair back.

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