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To clear things up:
You're the child of Hon Yi, Chinese God of Archery.

Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nickname
B/F/N - Best Friend Name
F/N - Friend Name
H/C - Hair Colour
E/C - Eye Colour
S/T - Skin Tone
M/N - Mother's Name

The beginning is set as Y/N gets the letter from River and progresses from there.

Fēnglì de shèshǒu (鋒利的射手) means "Sharp shooter" in Chinese. I apologise if I got that wrong, I do not speak or know any Chinese

Note: B/F/N will have She/Her pronouns while F/N has He/Him pronouns

This will be broken up into multiple parts, so just a heads up

- Deep ocean for blue eyes
- Lush forest for green
- Rich chocolate for brown eyes

Change the colours to whatever you want

Change the colours to whatever you wantMale:

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————————<•>————————Nobody's POVLaughter rang from the edge of the forest surrounding the small town

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Nobody's POV
Laughter rang from the edge of the forest surrounding the small town. The sound of snow crunching could be heard as small snowflakes fell to the ground and roof tops of the small village.
"Seriously Y/N, you've got to teach me how to do that!" F/N piped up, holding a smooth wooden bow with tough string, the arrows rustling around in the quiver on his back.

Although not being related, B/F/N and F/N often get mistaken for siblings by a lot of passerby's, not from the residents in the village the trio lived in. From a different persons view, they do look similar. Both have brownish black hair, with B/F/N having blonde tips, with deep chocolate brown eyes. Their facial features also strike resemblance to each other, slightly pointy nose, with oval eyes. However, if you've known these two for long enough. Their nothing alike.

B/F/N has a more round face with prominent cheeks, and if asked, will say she's actually Chinese-American. B/F/N moved to the village from America when she was 4 1/2 with her older sister and her father. B/F/N has more of a natural tan to her, due to her love of nature and always being out early in the morning

F/N also has prominent cheeks but a more sharper jaw that's hardly noticeable from far away. He's lived in the village with his mothers his entire life. He has stated to not remember his actual parents, but F/N doesn't care about that, as his mothers are extremely nice. F/N has a lighter skin tone from B/F/N. Before B/F/N moved to the village and before Y/N was born, F/N hated the other kids in the village, mainly because of his lack of father figure (Which Y/N could relate to) and have two (2) mums as parents.

Y/N, on the other hand, looks different from their friends. Much like F/N, they don't remember what their father looked like. It's only been Y/N and their mother, M/N. According to M/N, Y/N gets their facial features from their father, whose name she never mentioned, and she got H/C that "shined in the sunlight at the perfect angle" according to F/N and deep/rich E/C eyes from their mother. Some elder residents have told Y/N multiple times how strong their grip is. Only the trio and M/N knew the reason behind that.


From a young age, Y/N had a liking for archery, so M/N asked a friend to make their child a bow to give to Y/N as a gift. And they picked up on archery very quick, even being able to hit the target a lot of highly skilled kids (not even their age) could hit.

"I promise I'll teach you tomorrow F/N, that is...if your mums give me permission..." Y/N told the man on their right, their bow held tightly in their left hand.

"Come on, we all know that you won't even bother teaching us if we can't be at your level of skill" B/F/N chimed in with a "matter of fact" face painted on her.

"Hey, I'm taking my time out of practice to teach F/N here"(they jab their thumb in his direction)"to teach him archery-"

"Even if I do suck like hell." F/N cut off their archery skilled friend, B/F/N sighs sarcastically.

"It's like Y/N always says 'Practice makes perfection, like me because I'm better at archery then you guys!'" The other two began to laugh.

"O-Ok, 1. I do n-not sound l-like! And 2. I've never s-said that in my life!" Y/N managed to wheeze out, before dropping to their knees (bow dropping onto the snow as well) and clutching their sides, F/N and B/F/N soon joining them as they all tried calming down.

"Y/N! N/N!!" Y/N looked at in the direction of their house, and their mothers shouts that sounded almost frantic. Anxiety began welling up inside Y/N stomach as the grabbed their bow with their left hand and stood up, almost falling over on their feet.

"I-I gotta get going!" Y/N shouted over their shoulder, catching a snippet of "Cya N/N" and "Oh ok, bye 鋒利的射!" before arriving at my house.

First Person POV
"Mother! Is everything alright!?" I shouted frantically, my fingers began trembling. Only shooting her a confused look as she began laughing, giving me slight relief. "Mother, is something wrong?"

"Oh don't worry, I was just trying to get your attention for staying out late!" I winced, knowing full well that we (B/F/N, F/N and I) stayed out later then usual.

"I apologise mother, I didn't want to cause you any worry, we lost track of time while practicing." I stated, while putting my bow and quiver down against a beam near the wall. My mother sighed and smiled sweetly.

M/N was always a kind woman, she'd always been a friendly person to everyone she meets. When we first moved in, I was more closed off and to myself, while my mother began talking to our neighbours and the villagers, quickly making friends with them.

M/N, like me, has beautiful H/C hair and deep/rich E/C eyes. She's a beautiful and kind hearted woman. If there's a child that's hurt or hungry, she's willing to take them to our place to help them, feed them or if they need sleep, let them rest there for the night. Their parents always make sure to thank us in some way.

"Oh! By the way, Y/N you got a letter while you were out" M/N said with enthusiasm, making me pause, my chopsticks hovering over the Chow Mein before setting them down and regaining my posture.

"A letter...Who's it from?" I asked slowly, knowing full well I've never gotten letters. I didn't have any friends before I moved and the village is small enough there's no need for people to send letters.

"I don't know, as much as I wanted to, I didn't open the letter. I respect that this was addressed to you and not me so I left it be." My mother stated. A smile faintly ghosted over my lips.

"Thank you Mother, is it ok if I open it right now?" I asked.

"I don't mind, my little warrior." I felt the corners of my mouth twitch up into a smile as I turned the corner with the letter in hand.

It read: "Why hello there Mr/Ms Y/N, I hope this letter reaches your lovely/handsome self well! I'm mailing you to let you know that Camp Oasis is expanding and we would love to have you on board! We're gathering many of the Asian related demigods and all kinds of fun and joy, so we can work together in absolute harmony! In comparison to your location, we are directly 30 miles and to the east. Of course, you will be provided with your own home and all the places of our camp with be open to you to explore.
I hope to see you very soon!

Until then,
敖江河 (Áo Jiāng Hé).

Part 2?

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