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Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nickname
B/F/N - Best Friend Name
F/N - Friend Name
H/C - Hair Color
E/C - Eye Color
S/T - Skin Tone
M/N - Mother's Name

Sweat dropped down my forehead, causing hair to get stuck to my face. It's been how long since I've left the village I called home for my entire life, leaving my mother, M/N, behind, leaving F/N and B/F/N behind. My only friends during my years there.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head and ignoring the urge to turn around and run back, I continue to trek forwards, my arrows loosely moving around in their quiver that was strapped across my back. My fingers aching due to me holding my bow in my (dominant) hand.


"Must I say, these people must've really outdone themselves." I inquire to nobody in particular, looking at the massive door (that looked magical) and the two stone statues of women with spears. Walking with confidence towards the door, my sandals clicking with every step I take against the wood.

Stopping in front of a massive door like arch, I step forward with my hand out stretched, only to stumble into the camp once the pads of my hand touch the door, and a magical barrier closing shortly after.

Recovering from my initial shock, I clear my throat while straightening up, soothing out my kimono and walking into further into the actual camp with my bow now on my back.

After passing the fountains and making my way onto the more grassy areas, my attention is immediately caught my the archery range, with each target being more further back and higher then the last.

Feeling a smirk forming on my face, I continue walking, my eyes not leaving the archery range and making a mental note to come back here after I'm settled in after meeting with 'River.'

Taking in the sights, I come to the conclusion that there are also Greek people, due to the white buildings I didn't know the name of, and Egyptian people, due to the pyramid I see in the distance.

Finally seeing a cherry blossom tree and the roof of a house that is all too familiar to me, I changed from casually walking, to slightly speedrunning. A small smile growing on my face with a realise that I'm in the Asian part of the camp. Taking in the sights of the beautiful designs of the houses, I began to wonder which house is live in.

Continuing on the path, I see a red bridge, with a massive dojo and off to my right in front of the dojo was a house that looked like the ones behind me. Taking a confident breath in, I trek over the bridge and towards the house, hoping it was this River guy.


After a small rest in my new house, I decided to wander around, practice my archery, maybe meet some others living here, River did mention something about other 'demigods' from other pantheons. Shutting the door behind me with my bow and arrows, I thought back to what the Asian counsellor said. He mentioned Polynesian, Egyptian, Nordic's (apparently there's only 1 person from the Nord's) and Greeks, and I immediately thought about how much F/N was obsessed with Greek Mythology. And a week before I left, he was reading a book by Homer called Illard and Odessey or something like that.

After stumbling around on my feet, I find myself in front of a massive pyramid, and my mind went to Athens Egyptian kids. It couldn't be the Greeks, because I met some of the Greek children (and arranging a time to have a hangout with the son of Hades that had those tattoos to shoot some targets at the archery).

Couldn't be the Nordic's because the place seemed much too big for one person. So I concluded that it was the Egyptian's, because my mother was interested in Egyptian Mythology when she was younger, and told me that the Egyptian's built massive pyramid's that were tombs for their pharaoh's that passed away.

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