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Requested by @/PurpleFooox

Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nickname
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length
F/C - Favorite Color
E/C - Eye Color
S/T - Skin Tone

It's been about 1 and a half weeks since I've met Xylo. And I'm for sure certain I'm in love.

I must admit, it feels weird to be in love with someone that isn't your family, which seems controversial considering my mother is the goddess of love (adult love), sexuality, etc.

Xylo had asked if I wanted to 'hang out'. Which made me ask (teasingly of course) if that was his attempt at asking me on a date. and he plainly said "yes"...

So, here we were.

Sitting at one of the many benches in front of the mess hall, a variety of food laid out in front of us, slight redness on our faces as we talked about random stuff. Our heritage, the Olympians, random myths, etc.

The longer I spoke with the son of Apollo, the more butterflies would form, the more blood rushed to my cheeks, the more that I could stop thinking about the male in front of me.

I've felt love before, except last time, it wasn't for a male. When I first felt those butterflies, I rushed to my father. I didn't know what to do, and being a 13 -almost 14- year old child that was in love with their best friend, her female best friend. Past Y/N was just as confused as present Y/N seeing a very cute person just walking down the street.

Nobody's POV
A certain brown-haired figure was just wandering around. No, he wasn't lost, just thinking about random stuff while walking around the Camp of Demeter, or Camp Oasis. While walking around, 2 laughs could be heard, curiosity began forming in the demigod's head. Following the voices, he came down to the cafeteria and immediately caught sight of a yellow-clad, familiar male, and an unfamiliar female with wings (and if he has to add incredible fashion). 

With a large smirk on his face, he began strutting towards the obviously in love demigods and announcing his presence.

"Xyloooo~" Bryan states, running towards Xylo with his arms in the air. Causing the demigods to stop their conversation and turn towards the sound right as Bryan reached them.

"Hi, Xylo, how are you doing?~" Bryan voices, catching the attention of Y/N, who glares at Bryan, jealousy forming in the pit of her stomach at the tone of his voice towards Xylo. 

"O-Oh, Bryan. I'm doing good yeah..." Xylo states, his eyes drifting away from the son of Aphrodite. "Oh yeah, before I forget." he stands as he says this. "Y/N, this is Bryan. Bryan, this is Y/N, another daughter of Aphrodite and, most likely your half-sister. "

And so a staring contest between the children of the goddess of love ensued. It ended shortly as Bryan started squealing with delight?


"Umm, b-breath, Bryan was it? Sorry, I'm not good with remembering names."

"Oh, ahem. Hi, my name is Bryan I am the son of Aphrodite, goddess of love-"
"and beauty. She's my mother too as Xylo said"

"Oh right...sorry about that I got caught off, must I say I love your outfit and your hair!" Bryan compliments causing Y/N to smile a bit. 

"Thanks, brother...?" Y/N look at Xylo for help, only to find him suppressing his laughter.

"You're welcome. OH! I need to introduce you to Bri! She's another daughter of our mother. C'mon, let's go!"  Bryan states, grabbing his half-sister's wrist and starts pulling her towards Bri's cabin, Xylo following behind them.

Finally, after being dragged around the camp by my 'half-brother' and with my totally best friend, not a crush, Xylo following behind us, a small smile of amusement painted on his face. 'That stupid smile'  I think as Bryan finally stops in front of a cabin, with the words:

Daughter of Aphrodite"

Huh, so the cutie (Xylo) wasn't lying about me having a sister. Noticing my wrist felt free from Bryan's grip, I see that he walked by towards the door, and all of a sudden nerves starting creeping up inside me.

'What if she doesn't believe me?'
What if she doesn't like the idea of having another child of Aphrodite besides Bryan around'?
'What if she notices how close Xylo and I have gotten?'
'What if she tries to steal Xylo away from me?'
'What if she bad mouths me in front of others and they think differently of me?'

"Bryan, what's up?" I hear a girl answer. Taking a glance up at 'Bri'. I take notice of her wings, which are like mine, only more beautiful, and long light pink hair that compliments her light blue perfectly. Her lovely appearance making me feel worse about myself.

"Bri! This is Y/N, our sister!" My mouth grew dry when Bri looked over at me, forcing a small smile to form and a small wave. Stepping down, she stands at the bottom of the stairs of her cabin., she returns the smile with one of her own. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Y/N." She grinned, extending her hand towards me, causing me to return the handshake with a smile of my own. 

"Likewise Bri."

"Must I say, you take excellent care of your wings. How many times do you preen them?" Bri compliments, making my cheeks heat up a bit.

"Thank you, I could say the same for you. I only preen them if I got caught in some bad rain." I return, making Bri blush a bit in return.


"That was an absolute disaster," I state, walking with Xylo back to my cabin.

"Ehhh, it wasn't that bad. I thought you did well!" Xylo praises, making the heat return to my cheeks, making me glare at him.

"It wasn't your siblings you were meeting."

"Hey! Only have one brother!"

"And I have at least two that I know of!"

"Ok, I understand why that seems so bad..." Xylo mutters. Making me smirk in victory. Arriving at the door to my cabin, I remember when we first met, he seems to remember as well. Considering the silence between us. Taking note of his downcast eyes and red cheeks, I move forward and put my hands on his shoulders. It felt like time as slowed down between us, heat blooming in my chest as her breaths began to mingle together as he -or was it me?- leaned in.

Sparks exploded when our lips connected, it was gentle and brief. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as I moved my hands to the back of his head. It felt like hours before we both parted for air. Heavy breaths mingled with each other as we caught our breath. A smile painting itself on our faces as giggles from me and chuckles from Xylo filled the air around my cabin.

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