Before I marry you

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This is the morning before their wedding

Stef POV

All I could do was stare at her lips while she was talking. She wants to make sure I'm 100% on board about adopting Callie and Jude. Of course I am. I love them. They have become like our children. But right now all I can think about is you. I know it's taken a long time for us to finally get married. And it wasn't easy to get here. But looking at how happy you are right now is too fulfilling for me to not.

"Of course I wanna marry you" is what I said last night and I mean it. It really hurt me last night when you thought I didn't want to marry you. Thank goodness I talked to my father and cleared this messy air. I was the one adding stress to you. I know that your mom being here, the bullet, and even the Liam thing has taken a toll on you. We are meant to be together and I'm so happy that after today I can finally call you my wife.

"I don't want them to go to the wedding not knowing" you say about the Callie and Jude. You are so sweet. One of the many reasons why I love you so much is for your heart Lena.

"Stef. Honey are you okay?"

Oh man I've been staring at you this whole time. I should probably say something. "I love that Lena. And I love you"

You lean over and kiss me with those very lips of yours. I try to deepen the kiss but you pull away and say with a smirk, " uh uh Stefanie. Just wait what Ive got planned for tonight"

That's when I start to feel tingles everywhere. "we should probably go take a shower since we have to go greet our kids and tell Callie and Jude about the big surprise" I say with a convincing tone. "We both know what we did last night" I smile at you.

then you finally tug on my arm and pull me to the shower while saying, "Come on woman"

I grin while getting up and I think about how much I love you and how much I love it when you call me woman.

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