Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I'm sure a lot of you know what The Gamer is or have read the concept in multiple fanfictions, I have done the same, some were much better than others, the ones I enjoyed were where the MC does whatever they want all over the multiverse, the ability to live life and travel through the multiverse to other universes that exist as fiction in our world, I always thought it would be amazing and fun to experience this, there are dangers depending on the world you went to, Marvel is you definitely don't want to start in and there are others that have almost no threats to a Gamer because of the massive growth rate that comes with it, some Gamer fics make it really difficult for the MC whilst others exploit the hell out of the system, these are the ones I enjoy most, the fact that you can run circles around a godly entity and exploit the power given to you to become stronger much or just to have fun, I loved exploiting games and using glitches, that's why I love Skyrim so much, because of the ridiculous amount of glitches, it makes the game fun and mods enhance that by a huge margin.

That brings us to now, the usual start of a Gamer fic, I was floating in a black void of nothingness, not a single thing in sight, not even a part of my body, I assumed I died and this is either the afterlife or limbo, whichever it is I don't really care, I'm just bored, I been singing lyrics of songs I used to listen to all the time in my mind, I believe I have been here for an hour, since most of the songs I sang were around 3 minutes so I can guess by how many times I have sang the full song, a few more hours went by, this time I was just going through the memories of my life, I have an eidetic memory so I remember pretty much all of my life, eventually a few more hours later, about 15 hours since I arrived here something finally happened.

Hello, Human I am sorry for long wait, for some reason a crap ton of Humans are dying, you Humans are idiots when it comes to diseases

Anyway, I am the being that guides souls through Limbo, you are a soul so I will guide you, I figured I would have to spell it out for you since you're a Human

To put it lightly I was pissed, the random voice in my head assumes I am stupid just because I am a Human.


Oh screw you, I already don't want to be around you so lets hurry this up, thanks.

Wow this Human has balls to speak to me like that, I like you so I will give you a one time deal for you stupid Humans, I will allow you to become The Gamer, something you are all too familiar with, I will allow the Game to take over your guidance from now on, enjoy stupid Human.

Wow so friendly, hopefully the Game isn't a bitch like you.

Hello Gamer, I am the Game and we will be together for a while or maybe forever depending on whether you die or not, that is up to you.

A female, monotone voice rang out in my head, the Game did not seem like an ass, so I decided to be nice.

Thank you, Limbo can be mean but when you deal with Humans constantly losing their shit when they are told they die, it can get quite annoying so she has developed a hate for your kind, you may be the first Human that hasn't flipped their lid in a few thousand years.

Oh well then, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt then, so Game what now?

Well we will first start the character creation, your first world has already been chosen along with a backstory you can explore if your want to, it may affect your future in this world but it is your choice to explore it, your last name has already been decided so you must tell me what you wish your first name to be in this world.

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