Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(A/N, Sorry for this but I am changing how I write talking to normal speech marks, I will change the first two chapters eventually.)

I was walking beside Issei deep I thought, Issei knew that if my instincts told me something, they were right, I had managed to save myself and my family many times because of my instincts, I didn't know why I had such good instincts that allowed me to avoid a lot of dangerous things in the past but now I do, I am not certain but there is a very good chance it stems from my Wolf God race.

We stopped at a crowded place of people, Issei was dressed much nicer than usual and I had a simple black sleeved shirt and some black jeans with my some white and black trainers on, I don't know why I put this shirt on because I had now realized it was tighter than I remembered it to be, I now was getting multiple stares from quite a few women that passed us by, I inwardly cursed myself for not wearing a hoodie or jacket but it is really hot so I had my sleeves rolled up, again I have no clue why I picked this shirt. After around 10 minutes I heard a voice call out to Issei, I had Observe activated and clenched my fists at what I saw, a girl at around our age stood before us as she greeted Issei, she had long black hair that reached her waist, a voluptuous figure, she wore a pink blouse with a button at its top that stopped her cleavage from breaking free and a black skirt with black shoes, she had a beautiful face and bright pink eyes with a bright smile etched on her face, her looks albeit great was not what surprised me, her stats are.

Name: Yuuma Amano/Raynare

Race: ?

Title: Low-Level Fallen

Level: 55

Class: ? Mage

I blinked rapidly in surprise and I quickly got on guard, an unknown race and LEVEL 55! You have to be kidding. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Yuuma greeting me, she was leaning forward slightly to give me a better view of her cleavage, I sighed and deadpanned before putting on a smile and greeting back. Yuuma smiled "Hello, you must be Lucifer! It's a pleasure to meet you!" she said loudly and stuck her hand out for me to shake, I obliged and shock her hand "Likewise, might I ask what you wanted to meet me for?" she stood up straight and put her hands behind back before putting on a semi-serious face "you are Issei's brother and best friend, I am his girlfriend and I wanted to meet you so we could become friends! I will be seeing more of you and you of me so I want us to like each other" I nodded but still had my guard up because I could tell she was lying, in my previous life before my first death, I had been taught how to read people, she may not be Human but I can read her, she doesn't like Issei or me, she hates us or at least has ill intent towards us, I can see it in her eyes when she looks at us both, I assume it is because of our powers, I should have told Issei about it because I am regretting it now. I smiled at them "well then I will leave you both to your date, enjoy!" I immediately left and headed into the crowd around us before Yuuma could stop me then I tailed them, keeping my eyes peeled and using observe and my Sharingan to make sure no one is with her or tat she is trying anything, eventually they stopped at the park. I had noticed straight away no one was around and how my instinct were really starting to set off, I knew she would try something.

3rd Person POV

Yuuma ran ahead of Issei and stopped at the fountain, she turned around faced Issei who had stopped as well a few feet away from her, she slowly started moving forwards "Issei this was fun" Issei just nodded in response, she moved closer "can I ask you something" she said in a quiet voice, Issei blushed and nodded dumbly as she stopped right in front of him 'she is going to kiss me!' Issei shouted in his head but what she said surprised him "will you die for me?" her voice had changed to a darker and more seductive sounding voice "s-sorry Yuuma I don't think I heard you right" Issei stammered out as Yuuma moved back and stood up straight "will you die for me?" she asked again before she jumped back and her clothes disappeared, two dark black wings shot out from her back and a very skimpy outfit appeared on her body consisted of black strap around her chest that covered her nipples and nothing else and a black thong with black shoes, Issei backed up and stared dumbly at the girl in front of him, he knew he was in danger when a spear of light appeared in her hand.

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