Chapter 7

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(A/N. Sorry for the late upload, i just forgot to publish the chapters i had actually written, this one is much shorter than the others, but next chapter will be longer, thank you)

"Lilia" the Game said and I nodded, smiling "that's your new name then, Lilia" she smiled at me but we we're cut off when my door burst open and Issei came running in "we need to go, the Rating Game was lost, they are about to get married!" he shouted at us, he looked weirdly at Lilia "I'll explain later" I said and he nodded, he showed me a one of those Devil contacts, I nodded before I headed over and Lilia disappeared, I put my hand on Issei's shoulder and he activated the circle. I told Issei to stop when Lilia said she had something for me to repay me for what happened. She said I could pick any Bloodline and so I smirked when an amazing idea came into my mind, I nodded to Issei after selecting the Bloodline I wanted, and we left.

Rias's POV

As I stood by Riser in the hall, the other Devils lined up behind us, I could not help but think of what I said to Lucifer 'why did I say that?' I asked myself and could not think of a reason, everyone's attention was pulled to the door at the other end of the hall to me and Riser, the door burst open into splinters as they flew away from the leg that was outstretched "Lucifer!" Lucifer's face smiled before he turned around and shouted "Issei, I found it!" Issei then came running down the hall and stood beside but something was different about Lucifer, he had a brown tail swinging behind him 'I thought his tails were white and fluffy, there were nine too' Riser growled "you two don't know when to give up do you?!" he shouted and Lucifer laughed "no not at all, that is why Humans have survived for so long, we don't know when to give up, I am quite mad so I am going to let my emotion guide me instead of Logic for this, Lilia disable Gamer's Mind" my eyes widened when his face quickly twisted with rage "I am not one for pleasantries so why don't we get down to business, a duel me and Issei versus you, Issei will fight first because he wants to and I plan to make sure you never get a chance to attack" Riser laughed "Riser thinks you two are very funny, I beat you before and I can do it again" Lucifer started to laugh more "okay the deal will be if we win Rias is freed from the engagement and your Peerage is mine" Riser growled at that last part and his Peerage grimaced "if we lose I will become a permanent servant of the Phenex Household, I will belong to your family, I was the reason that Rias's Peerage became so strong so fast, and I became stronger than anyone in this room in a week so think about the benefits" Riser chuckled and then my Brother stepped up "I like the sound of that but aren't you a bit arrogant" he asked Lucifer and Lucifer chuckled "who might you be?" he asked "my Brother" I sighed "oh great can we spar sometime?" Lucifer asked with a grin "sorry I got something, and it makes me a bit more of a battle maniac" he chuckled, and my Brother just nodded "Riser accepts this duel!" Riser shouted and Lucifer gained a menacing grin that even creeped me out.

Lucifer's POV

I was stood to the side of an arena as Issei and Riser prepared to fight, me and Issei can switch whenever we like and Issei knew he couldn't beat out Riser's regeneration so he said I would fully kill him "Riser is happy this is to the death" Riser chuckled and it took all of my self-control not to kill him straight away, Issei and Riser prepared to fight, they charged at each other and Issei smirked before he thrust his arm up "Boosted Gear Scale Mail!" thick red Armor that covered his entire body appeared on him, he laughed "this is my Balance Breaker" I chuckled, I had no clue he had unlocked his Balance Breaker, he charged forward and threw a punch at Riser, who dodged to the side before punching Issei away, Issei's gauntlet Boosted him but it also started counting down from 10, I smiled and Issei charged forward and kept throwing punched some landing some missing and he kept taking hits as well "7" his gauntlet shouted out, Issei put his arms in a cross and blocked a fireball from Riser "6" Issei punched Riser but it seemed to do more damage, Issue backed away and let a cross fall from his hand, he held the strong and my eyes widened slightly 'damn I did not expect that, what does he have holy water as well' Issei charged forward and attacked with the cross more "3" Issei charged once more but his Boosted Gear reached 0 and his Armor fell away, he tumbled to the ground and hit the floor face first, Riser laughed and walked up, he picked up Issei by his collar and laughed at him "Riser thinks you are pathetic" he shouted whilst laughing, Issei smirked and brought out some Holy Water, I tilted my head 'that won't do anything will it?' I asked myself and watched as Issei transferred his Boosts to the Holy Water and poured it on Riser, Riser dropped Issei and held his face crying out in pain as his healing couldn't stop the Holy Water, Issei smiled "switch" he said before he got up and walked over to me holding his stomach "hurt him badly" Issei said, Riser stood up before he quickly threw a huge fireball at us, I only noticed it at the last second, I quickly moved in front of Issei and blocked it with my body, when the fire receded, I set Issei on the ground who had taken some damage from the attack, my shirt had a huge hole in the back so I just took it off and put it in my Inventory, I glared at Riser and started walking towards him "you shouldn't have done that, now you are about to taste my anger " I shot forward and punched Riser in the face sending him flying into the wall of the Arena, I decided to test Devil Magic and put my hands together, a space in between them and focused, a white circle appeared in between my hands, I looked at it with a smile, before I spread my arms out in a T-pose and the circle moved forward, expanding and becoming bigger, the circle aimed itself up with Riser and thrust my hand forward, the circle generated a bolt of lighting at its centre then a white bolt of lighting shot out and struck Riser, causing a huge explosion to occur, I smiled when Riser stumbled out of the crater made, I activated my Wolf God Form and smiled at Riser "I didn't know exactly how my Wolf God powers worked but I figured it out, you all believe the Morningstars were just powerhouses in Magic but they weren't, they used basic level spells but the more Tails you had the more your Magic is boosted and Nine is the pinnacle, only few Morningstars actually had Nine Tails, I am the last Wolf God and Morningstar and I won't be killed by a Fried Chicken" I made a hand sign and smiled "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" 4 clones of me appeared in a poof of smoke, we all smiled at Riser. I charged first, and punched Riser in his gut causing him to fly up not the air about 3 metres off the ground, Clone 1 jumped up and back flipped, as he was turning he kicked Riser in the gut sending hi another 5 metres into the air, Clone 3 jumped up higher than all of us and plunged both of his fists into Riser gut sending him up another 5 metres the Clone 4 appeared above Riser and kicked him inn the middle of his back, sending him crashing into the ground, Riser slowly got up to see all 5 of us jump up above him and flash through hand signs and we all shouted "Katon: Goka Mekkyaku!" a stream of fire shot from our moves that all quickly expanded into a huge wave of fire that hit Riser, it quickly turned into a huge firestorm that consumed most of the arena, I teleported to Issei and blocked him from it, my Clones dispelled after they attacked.

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