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Tony takes me to his car and I'm in shock because it looks so modernized!

Me~ WOW! This is a cool car is this a Tesla model 3?

Tony~ Yeah how'd you know...

Me~ I've grown up on learning about cars it's like nothing.

Tony~ That's cool, anyways get in.

Me~ Ok!
I get in the car and it looks so cool, the next thing I notice is the camera.

Me~ That camera isn't rolling right?

Tony~ No why?

Me~ I just don't want my face on the internet.

Tony~ Ok luckily it's not rolling.

We both start laughing.

Tony~ So Ava, what do you do for a living?

Me~ I don't really do much I just am a photographer but my camera is the only piece of electronic I own, it's also ancient.

Tony giggles. I ignore it.Fifteen minutes later we arrive and everyone is dancing in the living room.Everyone then walks over.

Blonde guy~ Hi I'm Nick!

Light Brown hair guy~ Hi I'm Patrick! Call me Patty.

Dark hair dyed with purple streaks~ Hi I'm Charli.

Dark Haired girl with freckles~ Hi I'm Dixie, Charli's older sister!

Dark Blonde haired guy~ Hi I'm Calvin!

Black Haired guy~ Hi I'm Thomas, I run The Hype House.

Tall Brown haired guy~ Hi I'm Chase!

Short Black haired girl~ Hi I'm Avani.

Blonde guy with beanie~ Hi I'm Ryland!

Brown parted hair guy~ Hi I'm James!

Blonde parted hair guy~ Hi I'm Jack, James' twin!

Long Brown hair girl~ Hi I'm Mia, Thomas's girlfriend!

Me~ Hi I'm Ava!
All of a sudden I feel myself getting grabbed by my arm into the kitchen. It was Nate but he covered my mouth so I didn't freak out. I gave him a shocked look. He leaned down and kissed me but I didn't kiss back and pushed him off and ran outside. Tony ran to me with a concerned look.

Tony~ Hey you ok?

He put his hand on my shoulder and yet I made another excuse

Me~ Yeah, I just remembered Larri just wanted to help him with something.

Tony~ Ok I'll drive you back!

Me~ Thank you.
We drive back and he drops me off.
We say bye to each other and I walk inside and shut the door quickly like I was about to scream of terror. Soon Nadia (another roommate) ran to me and asked if I was ok. When I heard those words I felt tears form up in my eyes and hugged her tight as a tear fell down my cheek. She called for Larri and Issa. They both came down the stairs and as soon as they saw me they ran and gave me a hug.

Larri~ C'mon lets go upstairs!

We walked to my room and they sat me down.

Larri~ Is everything ok?! What did Tony do?! I'm gunna beat his a-

Me~ NO Tony didn't do anything Larri!

Issa~ What happened?

Me~ So Tony brought me to the house to meet everyone else and then...

Larri and Issa~ AND THEN WHAT?!?!

Me~ Nate grabbed me into the kitchen and kissed me but I pushed away.

Larri~ Why is that bad?

Me~ We'll 1 he isn't my type and 2 I like someone else and 3-


Me~ Issa that's besides the point. But 3 I don't feel like dating anyone yet.

Larri~ Who do you like?

Me~ I don't feel like telling anyone yet, it's a new person but I can bet they won't like me back anyways.

Issa~ Ok but when or if you're ready to you can tell us we will be here to support.

Larri~ Ava by the way if you tell them you will have a higher chance.

Me~ Thank you guys, you are the best.
I was tired so I took a nap. When I woke up it was 5:48 P.M. I went downstairs to find Tony with Nate. I fast paced back to my room. I locked it so no one came in. Then I hear footsteps, they ran towards my door. Then my door knocked.


Tony~ It's just me I wanna talk...

Me~ Fine.

I walk to the door and unlock it and Tony ran in and squeezed me. I didn't know how to react so I just hugged him back.

Tony~ Are you ok what really happened?!

I didn't know what to do. Now that it's coming from Tony, and Nate was downstairs. Tony looked like he would punch him and start a fight. On the other hand I really wanted to tell him. So I just told him to sit down on my bed and I ran to the door to make sure no one was out there and I locked it. I could tell he looked concerned. I just sat down on my chair by my desk.

Tony~ Ava, are you ok?

I felt a tear build down and fall down my cheek. I took a deep breath and started to talk.

Me~ So when we arrived, I got pulled into the kitchen by someone... But they also covered my mouth so I didn't make any noise like scream. And they um-

I started crying. Tony then started walking over to me to comfort me and he hugged me again.

Me~ They kissed me. But it wasn't like something I wanted. More like they wanted it.

Tony~ Who was it?!

He said in an angry tone. I started crying more.

Me~ Um...

Tony~ Ava you know you can tell me anything right?

Me~ It was Nate.

Tony stomped out of the room angrily and rushed downstairs but I ran after him so he didn't start anything but he just ran faster.


Tony~ NATE WTH!!!

Nate~ What?!

I just started crying really hard and ran to my room and locked it again. All of a sudden I hear a loud noise. I ran downstairs and Tony is laying on the floor.


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