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I got a DM from @natewyatt! Oh no. Oh no. This is not going to be good. I open it and it was a video...
Nate~ Hey Ava, what happened last time. I don't regret! Next time I see you... I will finish my job. I love you!
Oh my god. I'm now scared! I wanna tell Tony but Nate looked like he was back home and I don't want Tony in the hospital again. I just called Tony and I was freaking out and I was in shock, I was stumbling over my words and my hand was shaking. When Tony picked up he could hear my phone shaking.

Tony~ Are you ok Ava?!

Me~ I- I j- just co- come ove-r...

Tony~ Ok I'm on my way!

Me~ Don't worry about knocking just come in... and come straight to my room...

Tony~ Ok I'm on my way right now!

Me~ P- please hu- hurry!

Tony~ Ok! I'm on my way!

Me~ D- door is un- locke- d...

Tony~ Ok bye!
⚠️ self harm skip to the warning signs if you're not comfortable! ⚠️

I ran to the bathroom and all the bad memories, all the abuse, everything came flooding back. I started breaking down. I got so scared I started having a panic attack.
  I accidentally punched the mirror. No one else was home, they were all out for dinner. They mirror partially shattered and I grabbed a shard and cut my forearm until I actually felt it. I stumbled to my room to grab a sweatshirt  to cover up the cuts on my arm. I then went back into the bathroom and sat in the bathroom crying and rocking back and forth while hugging my knees. Then I here the front door fly open.
Tony's POV:

I opened the door opened and slammed it shut while I ran up to Ava's room. She wasn't in her room so I opened the bathroom door and saw her rocking back and forth on glass from her mirror. She was in a white Thrashers hoodie.
  But I notice it had red stains on her forearm. I slowly tried to lift up the sleeve but she threw it back down still crying. I picked her up and felt tears break down from my eyes. I ran her out to my car and I drove back to the Hype House so she could be around people to help her. When we got there I picked her up and ran inside and ran her to the couch. She was sleeping but I tried to wake her up. She was breathing but she wasn't waking up. I tried calling for help, then Addie came in with a terrified look on her face.


Me~ I don't know, earlier she called for help and told me to just come over and when I got there she was shaking in the bathroom. There was glass from the mirror shattered everywhere.

I could tell the next thing she noticed was her forearm.


Me~ I don't know! It looks like she took a piece of glass and cut it.
Then Addie decided to call 9-1-1. She put it on speaker so we both heard.

Dispatcher~ 9-1-1 what's your emergency?

Addie~ A friend of ours just hurt herself, she must've cut herself or something but her forearm is bleeding and she's asleep, she's breathing but she's not waking up.

Dispatcher~ Ok what is your location?

Me~ *just random address*

Dispatcher~ Ok help is on the way they will be here shortly.

Addie~ Thank you SOOOO much!
Addie then hung up the phone. She still was trying to wake Ava up, still nothing. Ava was basically out like a light.
Soon an ambulance came, we left the front door open so they could get in easier. They then arrived and came running in with a bed so they can carry her to the ambulance truck. Addie said that she was going to drive to the hospital so I could ride in the ambulance with her. They were trying to wake her up. Half way there she woke up terrified. She was startled and like jumped.


Me~ Calm down, an incident happened and we're rushing you to the hospital to get you back in stable condition.
Ava's POV:

All of a sudden I woke up and I'm in an ambulance.


Tony~ Calm down, an incident happened and we're rushing you to the hospital to get you back in stable condition.

I started breathing heavily because when I have no idea what's going on I start to freak out.

Tony~ You ok Ava?

Me~ I remember why I'm having this breakdown!

Tony~ Are you able to say what happened?

Me~ I want to wait till we are alone because it's more of a private situation.

Tony~ Ok...

We arrive at the hospital not to long later. Addie was also at the hospital. When I was in my room, I had to take a few memory tests to make sure if my brain was fine. Addie was talking to me and making sure I was ok. After a while I asked her if I could talk to Tony privately. I didn't want to say why because I don't want any business going around. So she left the room after another little conversation. I move over a bit and patted on the spot next to me signaling Tony to sit down. He sat down right next to me. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. I went to nate's DMs and showed his the video. He started getting angry and his fists started to clench up.

Me~ Please don't do anything, I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me again.
I felt Tony loosen up a bit. I laid my head on his shoulder and I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders. Addie texted me and told me she was gunna go. I turned on a movie for me and Tony and we just drifted off to sleep.

No cliffhangers this time guys but I love this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it too 💜

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