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I walk back into the kitchen. Larri was still sitting in the kitchen eating his food.

Larri~ So what was that about?

Me~ Oh, Tony just asked me on a date!

Larri~ That's amazing!

Me~ Yeah! Oh, and he asked what what was up about the SJ situation but I told him I didn't want to talk about it at the moment.

Larri~ As you should.

Me~ Ok, so what should we do now?

Larri~ Bitch, we need a makeover!

Me~ What do you mean?

Larri~ Get your hair and nails done? Go to the salon see what they can do? On me.

Me~ You seriously have to stop spoiling me.

Larri~ No! I want to do this. Oh, and we can go shopping for clothes for tomorrow!

Me~ Fine! But only for you to stop!

Larri~ No promises!

I just rolled my eyes and walked to the car with Larri.
*Back from shopping*
I got my hair done like this:

————————————————————*Back from shopping*I got my hair done like this:

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Got my nails done like this:

Got this for outfit tomorrow:

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Got this for outfit tomorrow:

Got this for outfit tomorrow:

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