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Camila's POV/ Story:

Hi, I'm Camila, Ava's little sister. I'm 19 which is a year younger than Ava. I haven't really told anyone this but the reason I am really in L.A is because of my parents. I graduated high school early just to get away from my home, well my parents home.
I want to tell Ava but she already has a lot on her plate. But like also how did she manage to become friends with ANTONIO LEVI LOPEZ?! Okay I'm done now!
So once I ran away I got a phone and everything so I could start a new life. I pay for EVERYTHING on my own. I am working a few jobs to help pay. I currently live in a small shit show of an apartment. It's the only thing I could afford here that wasn't a box or bench.
After Ava left, mom went CRAZY! She started drinking and getting angry, like dad angry. I've tried running away in the past but I got caught every time. Dad and mom would lock me in my room and not let me out until I either 1 had to go to school or 2 get beaten. They wouldn't even feed me most times, they were always getting too drunk to realize that I'm a human as well. I am way to skinny for my age so I would get stares and people would harass me and judge me by my body. Even though I ran from home, I'm used to starving myself so I wouldn't eat that much. I can also barely afford my apartment so it's hard for me to pay for my own food.
You would have no idea how much I want to tell Ava, but I can't because we can't open up to anyone. I would ask her for help but it would be weird between us because we haven't seen each other in so long. Ava thinks that I have a great life even though it was her who did. I mean, she's friends with Tony Lopez for goodness sakes!!
My teacher, Mr. Sanders, then snapped me out of my train of thoughts. Oh yeah I also am in nursing school because I want to help people like how I wish I would have been helped.

Mr. Sanders~ Ms. Torres? Ms. Torres!

Me~ Huh? oh sorry Mr. Sanders!

I quickly grabbed out my notebook and started taking notes.

Mr. Sanders~ I'm sorry if I interrupted your daydreaming but the next time this happens, there will be consequences, understand?

Me~ Yes sir!
I get good grades in nursing school I just have focusing issues. I only like getting stuck in my thoughts because it keeps me from reality but also if I don't focus then I could not pass.

A/N sorry that this was a short chapter I will go back to writing Ava's POV later
oh and Camila is played by idkbye14

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