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[On an Unrelated Note listen to this mashup it's just pure serotonin]
Tony's POV:
(In His Dream)
I wake up in a familiar room but I don't know where I've seen it. When I get up I start to look around and discover only to remember it's SJ's house back in Canada. I don't know what I was doing here. I look around to see no clocks so I know it's a dream. All of a sudden I hear footsteps coming from the staircase. I turn to the corner and see Camila walking down the stairs.

Me~ Cami?

Camila~ Tony? What are you doing here?

Me~ I'm in a dream so honestly I have no clue.

Camila~ No you're not, this is real.

Me~ You still are yet to answer my question, what are you doing here?

Before Camila could answer my question I woke up.
Camila's POV:

Tayler~ Cami... Cami..... CAMI....

That's when I broke out of my trance.

Tayler~ You ok?

Me~ Yeah I'm fine, sorry I zoned out.

Tayler~ It's ok Cami, as long as you're fine. But on an unrelated note, do you want to go to dinner with me?

Me~ How could I say no?

I got up and hugged him.

Tayler~ Do you realize how happy you make me?

Me~ Well I hope happy enough...

Tayler~ More then enough, I feel as if I do need to be here.

Me~ Awwwhh bebe that's so sweet.

I said with puppy dog eyes.

Tayler~ That's why I love having you as my girlfriend.

Wait- Did he say? Love? No he probably didn't mean it like that. No way.

Me~ Can we cuddle in the mean time sense it's only noon?

Tayler~ Of course how can I say no?

I giggle and we cuddle while watching Netflix.
Ava's POV:

I woke up and I felt a weird sense of relief. But again I felt bad for Tony for the position he was in for when i had the attack. Yes, he was an amazing boyfriend for comforting me, but I still feel bad because it's always me with the issues. What if doesn't even want me in the first place and wants SJ? What if he's just too scared to break up with me? I wouldn't blame him if he did because I would break up with me too.
    My train of thought was interrupted my Mario bashing into my room.

Mario~ Hey b*tch!

Me~ It's too early for this, I had a long night.

Mario~ I understand you had a rough night last night, but do you want to film an Omegle video with me and Larri?

Me~ Sure! I'm scared but seems fun.

Mario then just screamed to Larri.


[(It says videos unavailable so you can't watch it here) and Ava is Ravon just messing around]

Me~ Ok, I'm never doing that again!

Larri~ I know I keep saying I won't but chances are that I will again.

We all start laughing.

Mario~ Want to come eat with us at BOA?

Me~ No, I'm not hungry right now sorry.

Larri~ Ok but tell us if you want us to pick you up food.

Me~ Will do!

Mario~ Bye Ava!

Me~ Bye!

Finally alone time, I don't remember the last time I had that in a while. In my alone time I just watched movies, posts drafts, and fell asleep. Basically nothing new just being the lazy person I am.
Tayler's POV:

Cami~ Tay this food is amazing!

Me~ I know right? I wish we got it more often.

Cami~ Oh well.

My phone buzzed but I ignored it.
Mario's POV:

Me and the Chanel's sit down and we are getting ready to order, after we took our order we start talking about random things.

Me~ I feel like doing something nice for Ava, I mean she's been here for us for so long and ends up getting hurt.

Ravon~ I know I feel so bad... Larri any Ideas?

Larri~ Maybe we can get her acting lessons?

Me~ What do you mean?

Larri~ She's always wanted to be an actress, she would always talk about it.

Ravon~ Does she still?

Larri~ Not really but did you see how good her acting skills were in the skit?

Me~ You're right!

Larri~ So maybe we can get her a class?

Ravon~ That sounds like a good idea!

Larri~ I'll start doing some research on nearby theaters.

Me~ Perfect! I'm so excited for her!

Larri~ So am I!

When we get our food we just keep talking about random things. Then we finish our food and leave. Larri is booking the class for next week.
Camila's POV:

Me and Tayler get done eating and go to his car.

Me~ I had a great night Tay, thank you.

I go in and give him a hug around the waist and he hugs me around my neck.

Tayler~ Anything for you.

He then gave me a kiss on the head. We let go from the hug and get into his car. We drive back home to see a lot of food on the tables.

Me~ Markell what did you order now?

Markell~ Food...

Me~ You're funny.

Markell and I start laughing and I walk upstairs to my room. No one in this house shares a room. Everyone in this house is: Kelianne, Kelianne's boyfriend Chase, Markell, Nate, Tayler, and I. When I get to my room I change into some more comfy clothing but not like sweats and hoodies, just like a sweatshirt and leggings. Kelianne doesn't hate me anymore for being with Tay. She used to like him before her and Chase started talking. I went downstairs and just sat down in the living room while Nate and Tayler made tiktoks. Me and Nate are cool now but I really don't forgive him for what he did and I shouldn't. Nate is happy that I'm with Tayler and he treats me how I should be treated. For the rest of the night we just talked, sang, I hung out with Markell, and that's about it.
(Authors Note): On an unrelated note

Stay back🤺I say🤺Stay back🤺George Lopez🤺You low rider🤺Stay back🤺

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