Chapter 2

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Your POV

I was home and playing an online game on my PC and I was in a steam group call with 2 other friends from my old school and we were playing a game Called Halo Reach. I had my headset on and I was had a bunch of snacks and drinks next to me and did I mention I was a famos youtuber my other 2 friends were to we were a you-tuber group called the PVP bunch but we play all PVP games and my username is ZapTrap. I was in a building looking for a skull for the achievement and find it and I say speaking in the mic" hey guys I found the skull that I said was in this mission" then my friend Korra AKA DreamyNight says" ah nice another one added to our collection 2 more to go" then my other friend Kai AKA NightEternal laughs and he says" Sweet once we collect the rest of the skulls we can start a new game on legendary and turn on every skull" I say" yeah even though it is hard I think we can do it I mean we can pretty much kill anything that gets thrown at us think about when we went to a Halo gaming tournament and recorded for our channel it was us 3 verses a whole team of 16 and we got at least 20 kills each" Korra says" yeah they make us play any PVP game and we will absolutely destroy everybody" Kai says" yeah I say we really stepped up our game we are unbeatable at least you were able to keep working with us on our channel even if you had to move to Paris because if you had to quit we got so far and if you left we wouldn't be where we are today" I laugh and say" stop it, it was a team effort" Korra says" ok sure whatever you keep telling yourself that" I say speaking to our youtube chat because we were currently live right now and I say" What do you think chat would they really need me or is it a Team Effort also new merch is on our website at" then suddenly there was a explosion and I say" hey guys something is going down I am gonna end my camera and stream you guys can continue but please on a different game cus I wanna finish the halo campaign with you guys and don't collect more skulls but bye guys gotta go" Korra and Kai say at the same time" bye Y/n!" I smile and leave the Group call and shut out Steam and stop going live then shut my computer down. I get up and run to my window and see a a red and black poka-dotted ladybug hero and a black cat costumed hero .. Oh My God SUPER VILLAINS AND SUPERHEROES ARE REAL! NO WAY!. I then noticed something on my desk next to my couch that is facing my tv and see a black box with a red symbol on the top as I say" um I don't remember having this?" I walk to the box and open it as a bright circle light came out of it setting the box down I slowly walk to my Nerf gun collection that was hanging on my wall and grab my Nerf gun that is an Auto Machine gun and ready my aim at the thing. The light disappeared and now there is a thing floating there and it was Grey and White and it says" Hi Y/n I am steel!" I say" you got 10 seconds to start talking before you get hit by this nerf gun that shoots ball darts per 2 seconds and trust me they hurt like Hell" Steel says" I am a kwamie I can grant you superpowers and there is a villain that Ladybug and Cat Noir need help with" I say" wait ok your a girl and you can talk I love Mystical cretures" I then hang the Nerf gun I was holding back where it was on the wall and steel looks around and says" woah your room is huge and nice set up" I say" um thanks now you were saying something about 2 heroes that are literally unbeatable" Steel says" oh right well this Akuma can only be beaten by your powers, when you transform you say' Full Elements and you can use your elemental powers that you can use when you are transformed are Earth, Fire, Ice, and Wind but you can only but you can only use one element at a time. Your Secret superPower is Powered up so you say' Powered up' but when my first User used it he got consumed by darkness and disappeared but that was 10 Centries ago Nothing will happen as long as you don't use our secret superpower" I say"um ok and how do I transform" Steel says" Powered up and if you get back before you de-transform those words are No element" As I reach and put on the Gold Necklace I say" Got it, Steel Elemental!" I then Transform and look in my mirror I had a PJ costume on and it was cozy, my Costume was black with red outlines. I had a mask on my face then noticed a staff on my back and grab it my Necklace design was a watch and showed 5 red hi-lighted blasts as I say" I assume that means I have at least 5 minutes" Then I open my window and Jump out running on the rooftops looking for the action. It was still daytime then I see the 2 heroes and a really big Akumtized super-villain at the park. I was waiting for the right moment to reveal myself I already came up with my name and it is Elementium I think it suits me. The Villain's powers seem to be Lava and Earth so that is perfect because those are my powers plus a few more elements. The Villain Corners Ladybug and Cat Noir so I thought this was the perfect moment. I get out my staff then start spinning my staff summoning a huge amount of Wind picking up the Akuma and I launch the Akuma to there left into the big brick wall as I hear Cat Noir say" woah, Ladybug since when can you control the Wind" Ladybug says" Uh No I can't that wasn't me The only Miraculous that can use Elemental powers is the Elemental Miraculous" I say" and that is because I have it" Ladybug and Cat Noir look at me and I was still on the rooftop and I jump down in front of them still holding my staff as I say" hey I'm Elementium I am still kinda getting use to these um powers also I kinda just moved in to Paris earlier yesterday but I do know your names" Cat Noir nods smiling as Ladybug says" I am keeping an eye on you last time we got a new superhero they turned out to be evil" I then give her a glare then suddenly Cat Noir says" Watch out!" then at the last second I meant to direct the incoming boulder with wind powers but I ended up destroying it with Lightning powers" I say" uh oops I originally meant to use Wind but like I said I am knew to this" Cat Noir says" no sweat new girl me and Ladybug were even more bad than you are right now when we first got our powers" Ladybug says" Hey Cat stop telling this person our own personal stuff we still can't trust her yet" I say" I told Steel me being a hero would be a dumb Idea" then I jump off to go fight the villain as I hear Cat Noir say" Elementium wait!" but I didn't listen. I then press a button on my staff and it turns into a Glider. I say" um ok how do I- ah!" I screamed because I suddenly start flying when I accidentally summoned some Wind.

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