chapter 4

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Your POV
It has been a few weeks and Chat Noir has been visting me every night sometimes during the day. We were all in school and I was in my original spot. I was more like the loner kid the one everyone ignors even since I have a youtube channel. Sometimes I catch Adrian glancing at me in worry for some reason then the bell rings to go to the next class. I started packing up and then I hear Adrian say" hey Y/n" I look up and Adrian had his binder strap over his shoulder and he was standing there smiling and I say" oh hey Adrian" we walk down the classroom passed the shocked students and Adrian says" so its been a while since we last hung out and since we were best friends I thought we could do something after school" I say" sure what are we going to do" Adrian says" I dont know but I asked my father already and since he knows you he allowed you to come over" I say" yeah sure" we walk in the next class because me and Adrian pretty much have the same schedule. For some reason since I have been hanging out with Adrian Marinette and Alya have completely stopped talking to me they wont even let me explain so I gave up on making friends the only friends I have is Korra, Kai, Adrian and Chloe. We walk in ms. Bustier's class and Adrian says" Hey Nino is sick today wanna sit by me today" honestly I felt like I didnt want to be alone and I say" yeah sure". Me and Adrian walk and sit in the front left and Marinette and Alya were behind them. I hear Marinette and Alya whisper and then I got tired of this, I say" Adrian I know were like childhood best friends but maybe us hanging out in public isnt such a good Idea I'm just going to go thanks anyway" I then grab my bag and walk out of the room heading towards the bathroom as Adrian called my name.

Adrian POV
I was getting something out I bought for Y/n but then Marinette and Alya started whispering and then Y/n says" Adrian I know were like childhood best friends but maybe us hanging out in public isnt a good idea I'm just gonna go thanks anyway" I drop the present and whisper/yell" Y/n wait!" I sigh and sit back down and look at my open bag at the wrapped birthday present yes it was Y/n's birthday today she is turning 15 today. Alya says" Hey Adrian whats with that wrapped present in your bag" I look and face Marinette and Alya and I say" its for Y/n, before my father let me go to school and have me Homeschooled most of my life Y/n was my childhood best friend other then Chloe" Alya says" what does that have to do with the present?" I say" she usually hates her birthdays because it reminds her of the death of her father and today is her birthday and I was trying to make it a good one though it is hard when there is only me and Chloe, I'm going to go find her" Marinette and Alya nod at eachother and Marinette says" I- er we will love yo- I mean love to help you F-find her".

Your POV
I was in the bathroom hiding in it then I kick one of the stall walls and I was pretty angry I absolutely hate them! Marinette and Alya wont let me even explain! Then I hear" aw the perfect prey for my akuma" I look around and no one else was in the bathroom so I shrug it off thinking it was my imagination then I hear" a little girl trying to make friends but is rejected because of someone else go my evil Akuma Evilize her! Fix this broken heart!" What is that sound. I have tears in my eyes and I was leaning over the sink looking at myself in the mirror and then I purple butterfly flies into my bff for life bracelet that was made from Korra and then I see a purple butterfly outline around my face in the mirror and I say" w-whats happening" then a voice says" hello Sidious my name is Hawkmoth you have the power to create whisps the more whisps you collect from the Parisians of Paris the more powers you get, I can also give you the power to get revenge on those who wronged you and het revenge all I need for you is to get Ladybug, Elementium and Chat Noir's Miraculous's" I smirk and say" deal hawkmoth" a purple mist surrounded me and I look in the mirror and see I am a mist. I focus and then I fly through the walls and to the roof of the school. I say" Hawkmoth" then Hawkmoth says" what do you want" I say" I think I should wait it out because if I go straight into battle I will accomplish nothing I am going to wait it out and once I have enough powers and whisps I will get your Miraculous's but tell me why do you need them" Hawkmoth says" you have my permission to wait it out just get me those Miraculous's and for the reason I want them is none of your concern!" I say" ok then" I then use my mist form and fly off. I was now on the city hall building and school was out. I look around then I found my first prey, I feel a whisp slip off my fingers then I command it to take the Parisian's light. I saw the whisp enter his body and then the whisp leaves the body and the Parisian collapsed yelling in pain and everyone saw the whisp fly away. The white whisp that is now black is floating infront of my mist body and I feel a power in me a Fire power. I smirk then I bring my hand out and unleash the fire then say" haha sweet" I then hear" so fire lady whats your name" I look and it was Ladybug and Cat noir in battle stances" I say" im not fire lady I am Sidious and Hawmoth and me will rule Paris! But not yet" then I summon a fire circle around them trapping them then I fly away. Once I was in a good enough distance I look and make sure no one was watching me. I focus and transform into my regular self looking like myself and Hawkoth says" remember our deal" I say" yeah yeah I get to get revenge on those who wronged me as long as I get the miraculous's I know Hawky" Hawkmoth growls and then I dont hear him so he must be gone. I walk out of my hiding spot then bumped into someone. I say" sorry I wasnt paying attention" I look and it was oh crap Adrian. I say" o-oh u-um Adrian H-Hi" Adrian says" Y/n where were you I was worried! We couldnt find you anywhere in the school and then I heard that there was a akuma attack but the Akuma ran away!" I say" sorry I thought I should've took a walk I didnt feel like going back to last class" Adrian says" dont do that again" I say" no promises" Adrian says" cmon I have a surprise for you, follow me" I was confused also did I ever mention today was my birthday yeah I hate birthdays it reminds me of the night my dad died we were really close. We walk to the park then decorations come out and everyone from class yell" Surprise! Happy birthday!" I was in shock no one really did something like this for me before and I hate birthdays. I say" you guys really didnt have to do this" Nathaniel says" yes we did, Marinette got us together and told us that we were going to throw the biggest party for you" I say stuttering" well U-uh t-thanks w-wait Marinette started all of this" Adrian says" yeah she at first thought you were like chloe but once I explained our situation she was alright with you" I look down in shame as I say" and I was planning to get revenge" Marinette says" sorry Y/n I can get quite Jealous sometimes and Alya just kinda thought you were like Chloe" I say" Its fine" Adrian walks over to the rest of the class and they all start getting everything out and ready and I was about to walk over to help but Marinette puts her hand on my shoulder and spins me back around and says" No its not fine, I was Jealous that you and Adrian were spending a lot of time together and I let my Jealousy getthe better of me and I never even gave you a chance to explain" I say" its fine Marinette really it is everything is fine" Marinette holds her hand out and says" Friends" I shake her hand and say" friends" Nino says" now that you two made up lets get this party started".

Time skip, Your POV
It was night and I just got home from the party and a few of them got me birthday presents and really it was probably the best birthday ever. I was just sitting down sorting all the stuff that my classmates got me then I hear" did you have a won-fur-ful birthday Princess" I say" Hey Chat and yes for the first time in my life since my father died it was pretty fun" Chat walks in and says" well happy birthday Pur-incess" I laugh and say" well thank you Pur-retty boy" Chat looks surprised then jumps fist bumping the air then yells out my window saying" I have found the one!" I laugh at Chat's excitement and say in between my laugher" W-what do you m-mean" I catch my breath and Chat says" I am really the only one who say cat puns" I say" well go flirt with some other girls I'm sure you flirt with every girl" Chat says" nope just you" wait really why me? I say" FYI my mom and secetary and bodygaurd are gone all night so we have the whole night to ourselves" Chat's eyes lighten up in excitement then he says" Oh I almost forgot!" Then he pulls out a box from his pocket and I say" how did you fit a box in your pocket and how come your pocket looked like it was empty" Chat says" because its magic" I take it and tear off the wrap and it was a ring not just any ring a relationship ring.... I say" C-Chat..." Chat says" Y/n will you be my girlfriend" I start stuttering sayin" I-I-uh- I" Chat looks at me his excitment disappearing then I look at the ring and it was beautiful I couldnt take it I made my decision ans I say excited" Yesyesyesyesyes! Yes!" Chat then practically yells" YES!!!" I put the ring on and we hug. We break the hug and Chat says" this is the best day of my life" I say" me to". We walk downstairs and to the kitchen because we were planning to cook dinner then Chat's ring starts beeping and he says" I'll be right back I'm going to go to your bathroom to recharge my energy" I say" alright I'll get everything out" Chat walks out of the room then I start getting out a few pans then I hear Hawkmoth say" dont forget our deal Sidious" I say" I know Hawkmoth" I then I feel a lot of pain and whisper/yell in pain as Hawkmoth says" I mean it get me those Miraculous's!" I whisper" O-Ok just p-please stop make the pain s-stop" the pain goes away and I quickly recover and I saw that all the pans were out. Chat walks back in and says" alright my ring is all charged up and no one at my house is home for the night so I can stay all night" I say" perfect".

Time skip, your POV
We finished cooking though all we made were cheeseburgers which was a little surprising and we each had two. We were laying on my bed cuddling watching a disney movie and we chose Star wars we just finished the movie and when I looked at the clock it said it was 2 am in the morning. I say" Chat you have to go now I have school tommorow" Chat says" reallyyyy Im comfortable" I say" yes Chat really" Chat stretches then gets up and says" well I for one had a Won-fur-ful night Pur-rincess" I say" yeah I had a good night to" he then jumps off my balcony cheering then I say" ugh how am I gonna fight them, I have to wait for the right time like if I get in a serious fight?" I shrug it off and head back to bed.

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