Chapter 6

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Your POV( i forgot to mention this is the akuma POV)
I wake up and open my eyes. I yawn then I get a text. I unplug my phone from the charger and check the text and it was Alya.

Alya: Hey girl you wont believe this!

Me: try me

Alya: are you sure you want to see the photo I took

Me: yeah why?


(Imagine Ladybug and Cat Noir kissing and Chat noir looks surprised)

I drop my phone and tears form in my eyes. I have been on my bed crying for a few hours until I was tired of this. I was just a practice girl for Chat Noir he never loved me if he did he wouldnt of kissed Ladybug! I then remember the whisp that I whisped myself and command it to come to my room. After a good 10 minutes the whisp entered my window and entered me and I felt so much power time to go destroy them. I say" Hawkmoth you there I'm executing my plan" a few seconds later Hawkmoth says" you have my permission Sidious" I smile evily then focus and transform into my evil akumatized self and float through the ceiling and now on the roof and say" now what to do what to do" then I summon 10 whisps and they all enter different people and I float in the air and laugh evily and say" I am Sidious! The citizens of Paris will all suffer and its all Ladybug and Chat Noir's fault!!!!" One by one the whisps came back to me and I go to where Ladybug and Chat Noir were and I saw them still Kissing. I say" Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Chat noir breaks the kiss and they look at me and say in Unison" Sidious!" They get in battle stances and I say" now that I have enough energy and powers I can now defeat you!" I summon multiple whisps and they fly around them and I say" poor Chat noir you didnt think I would notice" Chat noir says" what are you talking about who are you?!" I say singing it" you were to stupid and gullible to notice I was Akumatized the whole time~" then I enter combat with them but everytime they tried hitting me there attacks go through me because I am a mist and I say" your attacks are useless they just go straight through me!" Ladybug says" she's right our attacks are useless can you by me some time Chat Noir" Chat noir says" better hurry with that lucky charm of your's" Chat runs at me then we enter hand to hand combat and I hear Ladybug say" Lucky Charm!" I say" Chat Noir you think I wouldnt notice, what was I to you was I just the girl for you to practice on?!" Chat noir says" what are you talking about" I knock him down then focus on making just my hand my regular self then slide off the ring then my hand turns back into a mist and then I hold the ring out and say" ring any bells" then the duo gasps in shock and Chat says" Y-Y-Y/n......" I say angrily" bingo" then I say" you never loved me if you did you never would've kissed Ladybug!" Then I use my new found earth powers and destroy the ring as Chat says" wait dont!" But it was to late because I already destroyed it. I hear Ladybug mumble something and then look at Ladybug and glare at her and say" think of it this way Ladybug this is all your Fault!" Then I summon fire and send a huge blast of fire at her but she dodges it barely missing it and a purple outline appears on my face as Hawkmoth says" yes Sidious its all Ladybug's fault for what she did to you get me the miraculous's and I promise you love and Acceptance in my family you can be apart of it" then I say" now I made a deal with Hawkmoth and I intend of keeping it!" Then the purple outlines go away and a few minutes after hand to hand combat I pin Ladybug and go to take her earings but then Chat lunged at me and pins me as Ladybug gets up but then I say" Hands off!" Then I summon wind powers and Chat goes flying in the air yelling then he was about to hit the ground but Ladybug catches him and they discuss there plan trying to find my akuma but then something enters me and my real self says" g-guys!" They gasp and Chat Noir says" Y/n she is still fighting the Akuma!" Y/n says" I dont have long! The akuma is in my Gold bracelet!!!" Then I say" Noo! Get out of my head you rat I'm in control!" Then I block her out and she disappears and then I suddenly feel pain.

Your POV( your real self)
I finally gained control and while I still have the chance I say" G-Guys!" The akuma says in my mind" you better stay quiet in there if you know whats best for you!" I fight for control and say"  I dont have long the akuma is in my gold braclet!!" The akuma says" get out of my head you rat I'm in control!!". Then a few minutes later everything went black.

Time skip, your POV
I wake up as I hear" Pound it!" I dont really remember much. I say" where am I, what happened?" I only remember parts to when me and Chat noir were dating but that was it. Chat runs to me and helps me stand and hugs me as he says" I was so worried!" I hug back and then it hit me. I say" oh no I was Akumatized!" Ladybug says" part of it was my fault but we dont know how long exactly you were akumatized or what you remember" I say" just bits and pieces but mainly only that we were dating" Chat smiles then his expression changes and says" listen Y/n we have to talk" then Ladybug's earings beep and she says" I have to go I'm about to change back!" Then she takes off and Chat brings me back to my house. Chat says" listen I dont think its a good idea" I say dumbfounded" what isnt a good idea" Chat says" me, you, us" I say" W-why is it me did I do something wrong? Is it because I got akumatized" Chat says quickly" No it isnt you!" Then Chat says" its more me because of who I am, since I am Chat Noir and because Hawkmoth is trying to get mine and Ladybug's Miraculous's I dont think its safe for us to date" tears started forming in my eyes and I say" B-but" Chat sighs and says" he could use you to get to me so until Hawkmoth is gone it wont be safe for us to date" I was at first crying then I say" F-Fine then just get o-out!" Chat says" Y/-" I cut him off and yell" g-get out! Just L-Leave!" Chat sighs then a teer slips down his cheek and he turns to leave and Chat says" goodbye princess" then he jumps off the balcony and I lay there and cry all night.

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