Four: Missing & Confinement

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Hyewon stirred up from her peaceful slumber after hearing her alarm clock she sets during her weekdays whenever she has her class. With a lazy action, she slowly reached for her phone to turn off the alarm and made her way outside her room. 

The blonde girl stopped on her tracks after greeted by the sleeping girl in the living room of her apartment. She almost forgot that she adopted some stranger in her apartment. 

She stared at the sleeping figure of the girl, Eunbi has her hair disheveled and even her blanket is only covering her foot. 

“What a messy sleeper,” She uttered before shaking her head. Still thinking if her decision of letting this girl live with her is right. 

“I can't really believe I listened to you, Choi,” Hyewon muttered before walking towards the bathroom without even bothering to fix the sheet covering the short-haired girl. 

After 20 minutes in the bathroom, Hyewon walks out to the kitchen without even bothering to spare a glance at Eunbi who's still sleeping.

The only noise that can be heard inside the apartment is the raindrops still pouring and hitting the window of Hyewon's apartment, other than that–nothing could be heard. 
The blonde started to make her–their breakfast, again almost forgot that she isn't here alone in the apartment. Might as well, she needs to get used for the meantime that she's with someone now. 

Well, Hyewon never sees this coming. For the years that she is studying in college, she's been alone in her apartment except if Yena will barge in without her consent and do a sleepover. She's been used only looking out for herself especially her parents are not with her. And now, Hyewon has to look out for a stranger–courtesy of her friend for being her conscience. 

She could only hope that this girl with her wouldn't bring her so much headache. 

After finally doing everything that Hyewon needs to do, she's now free to take off but then her eyes caught Eunbi's hand making her bites her cheeks while thinking if she should treat it or not. 

“Argh,” The blonde groans as if she's annoyed before she made her way towards her room to get her first aid kit located on her bedside table. 

Hyewon then made her way beside the sleeping Eunbi, she can't believe she's doing this to a stranger, who she doesn't have any slightest idea about her identity–or well, she still not believing about what Eunbi said, being a Princess or from 1690, the past.

The blonde girl reached for Eunbi's hand– she noticed the wound since last night but Hyewon didn't make a big deal of it since it's just a scratches but seeing the short-haired girl hand earlier, it seems like a bruise and little swelling occurs. 

And she can't lift off her eyes on that hand earlier because anymore minute, she felt like it's gonna get extra infected if it didn't get clean enough. 

The blonde's eyes landed on the milky face of the girl, the sharp jawline, and even her pretty face. This is her first time meeting someone with striking features and she won't really deny that the weird girl is pretty. But Hyewon won't say it out loud too. She'll choose not to eat for a day rather than to say it. 

“Stay still,” Hyewon uttered after Eunbi stirred from her sleep and it came out softly. She glanced at the short-haired girl's face to check if she's already awake but seeing how peaceful her face while her eyes closed, Hyewon concluded she's still asleep making her continue treating her hand. 

After Hyewon finished putting a bandage on Eunbi's hand, she took out a pen and a piece of paper before writing something on it. Then she placed the written paper on the dining table before walking out of her apartment–not without glancing at Eunbi for one last time. 

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