Eight: Someone

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"Hey weirdo, can you please serve this order to table 4?" Hyewon asked out with her soft voice while handing the tray of food to the Crown Princess.

"When will you ever stop calling me a weirdo? Peasant tsk," Eunbi snorted but complied quickly as she gets the order from the blonde girl and heads her way to the table.

Hyewon just chuckled softly before approaching Yujin at the counter, the younger girl noticed her presence making her look at the blonde. But she made sure she finished taking the orders of the latest customer.

"Let's exchange, just help Eunbi assisting the customers," Hyewon stated before taking over the counter without letting Yujin complain at her. The younger knows she can't even complain since Hyewon already made the move.

"Are you sure?" Yujin asked, "I heard from the boss that you'll have your finals this week. Just take a rest because later I know you will study." She added but Hyewon just gave her a soft smile - it's weird seeing how much the blonde's smiling from the past days.

"It's fine, you seem tired. I can handle this." Hyewon uttered but Yujin saw the incoming customer making her pursed her lips because she can feel something might happen.

"Fine, I'll just take this last customer," Yujin stated and that made Hyewon look at the newcomer customer. From the moment she saw the person's face - her brows twitch upwards out of annoyance. The younger saw how Hyewon's brow went upwards after seeing the familiar face.

"It's fine, Daeng. I'll take this one," Hyewon muttered but Yujin can feel the irritation in the elder's face. She sighed before letting the blonde do it, she just wishes for trouble not to happen - also going to a spot where she can stop whatever might happen.

"Oh Kang, as far as I remember you're not fond of working in the counter," The said person wearing his smug grin that quickly made Hyewon's blood to boil. Why does it happen that his face will be here in the restaurant again? She doesn't like seeing him.

"It's my work, stop sticking your nose with my business." Hyewon scoffed, clearly not afraid to show how much she hated seeing his face. Well, it's the same with the other person, he doesn't like how Hyewon answered him.

"Really? Is that how you going to answer me?" He asked, glaring at the blonde behind the counter.

"What about it?" Hyewon asked back and glared with the same intensity towards him.

"Such a disrespectful person," He scoffed, making one step closer to the counter without removing the hard glare.

"Say that to yourself, I am not a mirror, Han," Hyewon scoffed, she rolled her eyes but in a swift moment, the collar of her uniform is being gripped by him as his left hand is ready to launch a punch at Hyewon's face.

"Stop that!" Yujin decided to go in between and tried to separate the two because they're making a scene inside the restaurant. The other customers are watching them. They should avoid making a scene especially their boss is not here right now.

"You better watch that mouth, Kang," He stated before swaying harshly Hyewon off from him.

"See, you're better than this but you keep stooping so low," Hyewon spat once again fixing her uniform, "Stop following your parents' steps or you'll end up being like them-" But before she can even finish her words, Hyewon felt a punch landed on her cheeks - that caused her to fall on the floor from the sudden attack.

"Hyewon-ah!" It was Eunbi, she was out to take the trash and when she came back - she saw Hyewon being punched. The Crown Princess quickly made her way to the blonde who's on the floor with a large frown on her face.

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