Chapter 5

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Sidharth sat beside me and heard every detail of my fight with Rohan. In fact, he also cursed him along with me.

It's been three weeks that I have broken up with Rohan. Well, I'll be honest. Yes, it bothered me a little in the beginning but, then Sidharth was correct that he doesn't treat me well and who cares about dating and having boyfriends when you have such amazing best friends. Well, to be honest, I don't have a lot of friends at college. All thanks, to Sidharth.

He is considered to be one of the most good looking guys in college and probably, not many girls like me since I am super close to him. Those idiots need to know the importance and meaning of the term 'best friend'. That being said, I have one close college friend that's Myra. I guess she isn't.

I was scrolling down my phone when I felt a little weight on my stomach. It was Ticy. My dog. Well, technically I would meet him only twice in a year when I would go to the factory with dad but, Ticy and I got along really well. Ticy of the teacup puppy breed. I asked dad to get him home for a few days yesterday when he was coming back from the factory after a day.

I quickly got up picked up Ticy and cuddled him into a hud while Ticy began to lick my face with a slight smile on his face. I quickly video called Sidharth to make him meet Koko. He picked up in just 3 seconds, best friend benefits you know ; )

"Ticy says Hi, to Sidharth my best friend," I said as I showed Ticy into the camera trying wave at Sid by holding his tiny paw.

"Hey,...what breed is that," Sidharth said blankly as he continued playing his video game.

"Teacup, couldn't you say it with a little interest," I said.

"Seriously, now you'd call me a teacup, just because I didn't call your dog cute?" he smirked.

"It's his dog breed" I facepalmed.

"Ohhhh, what kind of breed is that?" he asked.

"You don't know?" I said in a louder and confused tone.

"No Shehnaaz, I am planning to be a lawyer, not a vet! Remember?" he said.

"Whatever," I said.

"They are called teacup puppies because they are almost of the size of a teacup" I continued.

"Yaya fine, anyway I'll meet your teacup puppy later on," he said as he discontinued the call.

It was late now and I decided to go to sleep. Next morning, I got up early as Ticy began jumping over me. I ruffled the little puffy hair he had and got up to go to the living room and gave Ticy his sweet treat. I don't know for some reason he had immense love for sweet treats but, I made sure that I gave only one to him in the entire day. I went into the kitchen to get my coffee. Mom had already made one for me in my pastel blue unicorn mug.

As I entered my room, I found Sidharth was already sitting in my room with Ticy in his hand and guess what this idiot was literally trying to fit it into a teapot. I kept my coffee mug down and took Ticy away from him.

'What the hell were you trying to do" I said as I caressed Ticy's hair hugging him.

"I was trying to see if he actually fitted in the tea pot," he said casually.

"Sidharth, you and your logics just go beyond my mind" I complained.

"That's fine Shehnaaz, everyone can't be smart" he laughed off slyly.

"Oh please! " I flipped my hair.

"Shehnaaz, don't you think it's not really a good idea for you to get a dog?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Why?" I questioned back.

"You get attached to people very easily and end up getting hurt," he said.

"Sid but, he's a dog, he won't hurt me" I explained.

"Shehnaaz, a dog's life isn't very long. They might not hurt you with their actions or words but, this is something even they can't help about" he said as he crisscrossed his arms.

"Shut up Sidharth! " I said with a teary eye.

"Look, you're already so attached to him," he said as he kept his palm closed on his cheek.

I didn't have anything to say because as much as I crib about Sidharth's logics sometimes he always turns out to be correct. I don't know why but, his logics were to the point most of the times for the long term.

Getting attached to people was like my second nature. I never realized that but, Sidharth had observed that in me. Now, when  I myself think about it, he was absolutely right. I've gotten so emotionally attached to him as well in only mere 7 months but, then it's my best friend right?

"Sidharth, why do you put such a strong smell," I said making a face.

" You can change the topic but, it's a fact. I'm correct this time" he said as he got up my study chair.

"Also, this perfume makes all the girls go OMG! except for you " he said as he mimicked the girl voice saying OMG.

"Byee" I giggled.

"I'll call you once I'm done with my online test," he said as he left my room.

I played back. Ticy got up from my stomach and went back to his soft cuddle rug to sleep. Lately, Ticy had been sleeping a lot. I got busy with my designs on my iPad.

After 2 hours, I  finished my work and went back to the kitchen to get some food for myself and some dog biscuits for Ticy.

I got back into my room. Ticy was still asleep. I called out his name but, Ticy didn't get up. He normally gets up, when he listens to my name in the first go. I got scared I checked if he was breathing.

He was breathing but, his eyes were dizzy and he wasn't as chirpy as he would be generally looking his favourite bone-shaped biscuits.

I panicked remembering to what Sidharth told me. I immediately picked Ticy up put, him in his basket and ran to fetch my car key to take him to the vet.

As I was driving my car, Sidharth kept calling me. He must have finished his online test but, I was way too panicked to pick up my call and answer his call. I ignored his call and continued to drive as fast as I could.

I reached the vet. I thanked God for there wasn't anyone in the waiting and I immediately could see the veterinarian. I raced inside with a dizzy Ticy in my hand.

They asked me to leave the clinical room as they examined Ticy.

I was so scared. Suddenly, I remembered I had left the house just like that. Mom and Dad had gone to Dad's colleagues 25th marriage anniversary celebration.

I called Sidharth back. He must've been worried. I called him and he answered within just a second.

"Shehnaaz, where are you? Why weren't you answering my calls? You weren't at home as well." he said all at one breath.

"Sidharth, Ticy....." my throat chocked up. I couldn't speak anymore. He understood what I was trying to say without me even speaking.

"Text me the address, I'm coming," he said as he disconnected the call.

[A u t h o r ' s  N o t e]

Hi Guys. How are you'll doing? I hope fine.

Firstly, I would like to thank you, guys.
My first book 'The Perfect One' completed 50K reads which is so surreal. I began writing the book just 3 months back. Secondly, this book my second one completed 1.5K reads in just 2.5 weeks. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting.

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I'll see you'll with the next chapter.


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