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Time moved forward, leaving those who refused to follow. A casual Friday morning in the studio, flashing lights from left to right.

Blinding their hand picked model everytime it had the chance to. A couple more shots, angle changes and poses, they were finally done for that weeks cover.

Amatsuki stood in the sidelines, holding a few articles of clothing as he observed his surroundings, he was free today and decided to help out in the studio. Something he doesn't normally do.

As they were just about to wrap things up, their pink headed  manager comes bursting through the door. "Amatsuki I need to talk to you" Nqrse called the other in all seriousness, not missing a beat to stopping and say 'hi' or call him his nickname like he usually does.

Everyone else in the room were confused but did not question and carried on with their work.

Amatsuki nodded, unbothered enough to change to his more comfortable outfit as this sounded more urgent. Nqrse hurriedly led the younger at the back alley. "What is it so important that you had to drag me all the way out here?!" Amatsuki whispered yelled, obviously eager to know.

"They know"

That sentence alone was enough to make the brunette shut up and ponder on how the government found him, he made sure to clean everything up and leave no traces behind. Unless someone he knew ratted him out. He had a suspicion but kept it to himself. It couldn't have been kuro nor Kashi.

It couldn't have been his recent acquaintances. Probably someone he knew before. Someone that stood by him long enough. He doubted it was neither Luz and Nqrse. Those two were like the parents he never had. Quite literally.

"I don't exactly know how but Luz just notified me and they'll be knocking on your door by tomorrow morning" The pink haired explained, looking more stressed than the days before his final college exam combined.

"Should you move again?" He suggested to the other who stood silent, unsure of what to do. He could take Nqrses' advice and move to a new country, live on low profile until everything dies down. If he wanted to live that is. "No more running" he mumbled but Nqrse hadn't clearly heard it. His mouth definitely wasn't connected with his brain at all.

"I said no more running" Amatsuki repeated, his head hung low, if he ran away, he would consider himself as a coward but then he wouldn't see the older brunette's smiles or hear his corny dad jokes.

He wanted to run away and stay by his side but there was a high chance that Kashitaro would be dragged along into the storm of a mess he was in. He didn't want that either. Everything suddenly became so complicated.

His logic wanted him to run away and come back for his love when everything sorted itself, though that time might not even come and even if it did, the older would sooner or later will find out and leave him for being a murderer who killed for their own pleasure.

Making everything more painful than it should've been but his heart will never be able to carry that burden. He knew if he stayed, he'll likely be sent off for death penalty.

"Are you sure?" Nqrse asked as softly as he could, pulling the male into a hug. Trying his best to comfort him. The other courtly nodded, he was done with everything.

He didn't want to cause Nqrse and luz more problems than he already had in the past. "I'm sorry" He mumbled to the male who only hushed him in reply and pulled him closer.



he day finally arrived when men with guns came knocking on amatsuki's door, banging harder and harder by the second as they yelled incoherent things. He opened it without a trace of hesitation, greeting them with a blank stare.

His face drained of colour, eyes puffy and bloodshot from sleepless nights.

Amatsuki hadn't had contact with anyone after the talk with nqrse, he couldn't bring himself to do so. Guilt would eat him alive.

He hadn't spoken to kashitarou about it either, he wondered about him and though on how he might react to the truth. Before he had left that day, he left a note on his doorstep, "I'm going somewhere and I might not be able to come back, try to find me.I love you and I'm sorry".

The younger left before anyone would see him. He knew it was rude and harsh but he couldn't think of another way to tell him, he was afraid and it broke him to pieces.

"Are you Amagi Amanogawa?" One of the males spoke up, "Yes" Amatsuki replied, the word barely audible, airy and rasp.

The next thing he knew a loud bang rung through his home followed by splatters of blood that filled his vision before everything faded to black. It was an unjust death.

The End



This is so stupid.

I thank every single readers for your support ≥﹏≤

I hope you enjoyed it.

Just a little note that I won't be publishing any type of book because I'm feeling 'not right' these past few months, I hope you all understand!

ps. might edit this.

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