incorrect quote

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Here's a small incorrect quote based on the characters!

Me: there are 5 kids and 3 chairs, what do you do?

Dipper: get more chairs

Grunkle Stan: screw getting more chairs that will cost way too much! I'll make all the kids stand and sell the other 3 chairs!

Wendy: whatever... *does teenage stuff on phone*

Me: wendy can you focus on this please...

Wendy: ...

Me: ok nvm then...

Mable:  i'll get my arts and crafts out and make a chair!

Grunkle Ford: I have no answer for this question because I, being the smartest here, would've planed ahead.

Bill Cipher: I'd take one of the kids souls and turn their body into a chair for last child to sit on!

Everyone: ...

Bill Cipher: :3

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