Chapter 4

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Once we arrive to the lounge, we get out the car and find a seat at the bar.
I notice that there's a lot of people from our area there.
I'm not in a friendly mood so I try to avoid eye contact by wearing shades, and so far.. it's kind of working.
While laughing and talking to River.. I spot a guy with a hoodie on walking towards us and he quietly sits on a stool next to me and instantly become quiet. While looking at him out the corner of my eye.. I realize that he is a mutual friend of the guys I grew up with.
I take my shades off to get a better glimpse at him.
He looks the exact same.. just taller.. bigger.. and very handsome. His complexion is of a darker chocolate. Beautiful genes, and I am instantly attracted to him.. which is uncomfortable.. because I haven't seen him since we were teens.
"You're so secretive.. we've been best friends forever and you never tell anyone your nickname." River complains.

"Well maybe we haven't been best friends long enough, because you don't know me.. if you don't know my childhood nickname."

"London." The guy says next to me. When I look over at him.. he's scrolling through his phone. I raise my eyebrows at the fact that he's not looking at me, but he's listening to our conversation.
"That's my name.." I say to him. When he looks over at me. He gives me a half smile, and I roll my eyes to prevent from showing all of my teeth.
"Thickums" he says while looking down at my thighs. When his eyes meet mine .. I look away and softly laugh.
"Wrong again...Chocolate."
"It's Rocky to you miss." He says, and I can just feel River eyeing us down with a mischievous expression.  Per usual.
I look at my watch and stand up. I try my dearest not to make eye contact with him, so I look over at River.
"Straight home!" I say to her because she's got a habit of making tons of stops before getting home, and I wasn't for it at the moment.
"Gone already?!" Rocky asks.
"I've got a date with the moon." I say to him and he smiles big. Nervousness creeps up on me and I walk away with River.
"I'll be coming to find you later." He says and I look back at him.
"I'm not hard to find." I say and and I disappear to my car. I dropped River off home, and I went to my house to prepare for work in the morning.
The thought suddenly ran across my mind that we follow each other on instagram, and as soon as I process it, my phone lights up. When I grabbed it, it was a notification with an upside down smiley face emoji.
I wrote back the smirk emoji. I then took a shower and slipped on a romper that I wear around the house. I climbed into bed and reached for my phone to put it on the charger and I see a notification from instagram. It's Rocky again!
*I'm coming to find you.
I don't know why I'm smiling so hard.
*I'm not hard to find.
*Do you need my address?
*I think I remember where you live.
I double blink my eyes because how can someone remember a location from that far back?! Maybe it's just me because I'm terrible with directions.
*What color car you drive?
He writes
*It's white with my school sticker on the back window.
*Oh I'm here.
I quickly write.. with my heart pounding so hard that I can see it through my chest.. I put on deodorant and some perfume. I grab my edge control, the edge brush and quickly touch up my baby hairs and I put on my shoes, grab my keys, and I go outside. As soon as I lock the door behind me I hear his car door open, and I walk to him with confidence even though I'm a nervous wreck.

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