Chapter 8

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It happened.

We fucked three times that night and he felt incredible.. only because I was into him.
He only came with attraction..
he was missing passion.

I'm out of breath.. because of me.. and that alone should've spoken volumes. Any man that can't make you have an orgasm isn't worth fighting for.. and if I would've had one.. it would've been because of me.
Yet.. I still left my door open for interest.. and while he was giving me his ass to kiss.. I slowly became quiet.. and I watched him from afar.
There were patterns...and they were familiar.
Too familiar that I actually prayed for answers and it fell into my lap...
He had a girlfriend and it just took me back to things he'd say about loyalty.. when he was disloyal from jump.
"You came here and didn't say anything to me..."
"I'm no longer obligated." He said and I almost cry from the words.
"You've gotta be stupid for saying that. You have done nothing brilliant for me to even be standing by you.. and standing on my words with you. The only thing I need to be standing on is me not fucking with you ever again! I barely have a reason to be here .. saying this to you."
He stays quiet ... probably shocked that I sad that but at this point.. I don't care anymore.
"You're a BITCH! You do all this fucking pretending like you're a real nigga when you're green as fuck just like the last BITCH I had in my corner. All that talking for what Rocky? To fuck? You could've still fucked! Maybe I would've wanted to. If you would've kept it real with me.. I probably would've caught a nut!" I say then laugh quietly afterwards.
"I'm never speaking to you again." I said to him before I hung up my phone..

The rest was history... I wanted to tell him so badly that I knew he had a whole bitch but then he'd wonder how...
My loyalty belongs to myself..
My loyalty would only ring a bell to me..but this is when I knew that he was only human.. and because I frowned upon them for such reasons.. I leaned towards a monster because it was a savage that got me through everything in so little time.
After I claimed this Monster and sealed him into my life..

Joey completely died in my head.

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