Chapter 5

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Once I got in front of him.. we both pulled each other in for a tight hug. Once our bodies touched.. I felt that..


"I can't see.." I say while slowly pulling up to the trap.

"Just park here until it slows down." Joey says and I oblige. We sat in silence and he sparked a conversation and I felt better because it's storming badly and it's raining so hard that the highest level of the window wipers are useless.

While talking about what happened the night we met, he swiftly leaned over me and let my seat all the way back and kissed me..

When I kissed him back.. I felt that.

Once we stand apart, I stare at Rocky as if he's the galaxy..
My mind starts racing.
"You're looking at me like you wanna bite me.. you can." He says and I smile quietly.

What the hell is going on? This shouldn't feel so fresh.. this is all wrong.
"You really.. look good. You're beautiful." I say to him and his eyes widen at my words.
"You're saucing me up decent London!" He says and I laugh while covering my smile. It's a natural affect when I blush.
We talk some more and he scans my body with his naturally chinked eyes. I'm so attracted to him.. instantly.. sexually attracted to him.
"Can I kidnap you? I wanna stuff you in my backseat and drive off." He says and I bat my eyes at him playfully.
"We can go for a ride instead."
"But it wouldn't be kidnapping.." he says with a smirk.
"How spontaneous!" I say while walking up close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare dead at his main demon.
"Don't play with me... it's a full moon." He says and I press my lips together. Then I glide my tongue across my bottom jaw teeth.
"She Wolf!" I say.
"Vampire!" He says.. now we're getting somewhere! He's speaking my language.
"I'm only scared if I'm backed into a corner.... with no where to run.." I say close to his mouth.
We stare at each other in silence for a few moments, and I drop my arms.
"Let's go" I say. I get in on the passenger side and we ride on the beach.
We get out and watch the moon as we talk about good stuff.. along with being called a "pussy" because I jump or freeze up every time I hear a noise.
This is me being an overcomer.
This is me being fearless.
After I decline his hotel requests.. I request a kiss knowing that it's not his thing.. simply from the way he only aims for my neck when he does kiss me. He's almost startled, but he gives me one.. and I laugh because it was very quick and wet.
After he dropped me off.
I refused to text anyone back or return any calls because I felt like I went on a trip with Rocky. He's a vibe, and I wanted to keep experiencing him.
If the universe lets me.

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