Chapter Eight

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Three days later, Karly sat in the living room with Kevin and his parents.

"You sure it's okay for my brothers to be here?" Karly asked.

"Of course honey," Mrs. Parker said. The doorbell rang. Kevin got up and opened the door and saw Austin and Eric standing there.

"Hey guys," Kevin said.

"Hey Kev," Austin said.

"Hey Kev," Eric said. They came in and saw Karly. She got up and ran into their arms. They hugged her close.

"We are so sorry, sis," Austin said.

"We will never do that again," Eric said.

"You still work for dad, you're still under his control," Karly said.

"Let him cut me out of the will, I could care less, you are more important than anything," Eric said.

"Mom asked us to have you call her," Austin said.

"I don't want to," Karly said.

"Karly," Eric said.

"No, she chose who to stand by, and it wasn't her daughter," Karly said.

"She regrets that more than anything but you know how he is," Austin said.

"He threatened to leave her and leave her with nothing if she didn't stand by him," Eric said.

"I'm sorry but what kind of man is your father," Mrs. Parker said.

"Karly hasn't told you," Eric said.

"No she is kind of quiet when it comes to talking about her family," Mr. Parker said.

"Our father never wanted Karly to be born, he didn't want a daughter," Austin said.

"He told her to her face that she was a mistake, shouldn't have been born, doing what he can to cut her out of the family," Eric said.

"He changed phone companies and only got four phones, leaving Karly out, he made sure she got a single dorm room so she would be alone," Austin said.

"He hates her and wishes she was never born and doesn't want me, Austin, or our mother to have anything to do with her, he wants to pretend she doesn't exist," Eric said. Karly sat there crying. Kevin pulled her into his arms and held her.

"Karly, from now on, call me Mom," Mrs. Parker said.

"And call me Dad," Mr. Parker said.

"Okay, Mom, Dad," Karly said.

"We are going to hang around Cleveland for awhile, who knows, we might stay all summer," Austin said.

"You guys got work," Karly said.

"I could care less," Eric said.

"You forgot who you work for," Austin said.

"I'd rather come work for you, bro," Eric said.

"You wouldn't want me as a boss," Austin said.

"You'd be better than the one I have," Eric said.

"I will see what I can do," Austin said.

"We have our guest room open if you don't mind sharing," Mrs. Parker said.

"We can share," Austin said.

"Karly, where are you staying?" Eric asked.

"Ummm," Karly said. She looks at Kevin and smiles.

"She's sharing a room with her guy," Austin said.

"Figures," Eric said.

"I sleep better," Karly said.

Summer was over and Kevin and Karly headed back to school. He carried her bags to her dorm room. She unlocked it and went in and he brought her bags in. He put them down and pulled her close.

"I'm going to miss you in my arms tonight," Kevin said.

"I'm going to miss being in your arms," Karly said.

"Karly," Mom said. They looked and saw her mom at the door with Austin and Eric behind her.

"Mother, what are you doing here," Karly said.

"You never called me," Mom said.

"Didn't see the point," Karly said.

"Karly, I'm your mother," Mom said.

"You don't really act like it, you stood by your husband as he was cutting me out of the family, trying to keep you and my brothers from contacting me or threatening to cut them out because they wanted to stay in touch with me, you made your choice," Karly said.

"Mom, I told you she wouldn't be happy to see you," Austin said.

"You hurt her by not standing by her," Eric said.

"I'm sorry, okay, he threatened to leave me with nothing, he was going to kick me out on the street, take the agency away, I would have nothing," Mom said.

"Of course," Karly said.

"Karly, you are my baby girl," Mom said.

"Why are you here, does he know you are here, you might not have a home to go to," Karly said.

"He's in Arizona for a golf tournament and he will be back next week," Mom said.

"Had to sneak out, huh, probably has someone spying on you," Karly said.

"No he doesn't," Mom said.

"You don't know that," Karly said. Her mother saw Kevin standing there. She looked at Karly.

"You must be Kevin," Mom said.

"Yes, nice to meet you," Kevin said.

"He is handsome, Karly," Mom said.

"I know," Karly said.

"He's a great guy, his family is great too," Austin said.

"They accepted Karly into the family," Eric said.

"His parents asked her to call them Mom and Dad," Austin said.

"Karly," Mom said.

"They treat me like they treat Kevin," Karly said.

"I'm happy they love you like one of their own," Mom said.

"Mother, I'm going to be fine, you can go on home," Karly said.

"Honey," Mom said.

"Stop, you stopped being a mother to me when you decided to stand beside the man who is cutting me out of the family," Karly said.

"I'll go, but know this, I love you honey and I will never stop," Mom said. She went out the door. Austin and Eric hugged her and left. Karly closed the door and locked it and went to Kevin. She kissed him deeply.

"Kev," Karly said.

"Baby?" Kevin asked.

"Make love to me," Karly said.

"Gladly," Kevin said. He lifted her up and sat her on the bed and removed their clothes and laid her on the bed and laid on top of her and he slowly made love to her. He laid on top of her afterwards and kissed her deeply.

"I love you baby so much," Kevin said.

"I love you too," Karly said. He kissed her softly. He got up and got dressed. She got dressed and he kissed her again before leaving to head to his dorm.

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