Chapter Twenty

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Karly woke up the next morning and saw Kevin asleep. She laid there watching him. He was alive. He never died. She got up and got dressed and went to Jackson's room and saw him awake. She fed him and changed him and went downstairs and got some breakfast.

"What should I do, Jackson, I am in love with two incredible guys, I'm married to one of them, I thought the other would be my new forever, that he would become your new dad, but your dad was alive this whole time, I'm so confused but I have to stay with your daddy, I exchanged vows and I should honor them, I have to let Luke go, it's the right thing to do," Karly said quietly. She hugged Jackson close to her. She got him ready to go. Kevin came in dressed for work. She kissed him.

"Going right back to it," Karly said.

"Yeah, I guess Luke called Jack and told him everything and Jack just called and said to come back when I could, so I'm going back," Kevin said.

"Okay, I'll be at the agency with Mom," Karly said.

"This little guy going with you," Kevin said.

"Yeah, he always does," Karly said.

"Okay, I'll see you later, beautiful," Kevin said. They went to work. Karly walked into the office with Jackson and saw her mom doing paperwork. Karly put Jackson down in the playpen and sat down.

"Hi honey, I thought you would take the day off to spend with Kevin," Mom said.

"He went back to work," Karly said.

"Okay, so do you want to go talk to Luke?" Mom asked.

"I probably should, I know I have to let him go, I know his heart is breaking and a piece of mine is breaking too," Karly said.

"I know honey," Mom said. Karly went out the door and went to the club and saw James at the bar.

"Hi James," Karly said.

"Hi Karly, I'll get him," James said. He went to the office and knocked on the door. He opened the door and went in. He came back out and nodded to her and she went to the office and went in and saw Luke sitting at his desk wearing the same clothes that he had on yesterday and looks like he hadn't slept.

"Luke," Karly said.

"Karly," Luke said not looking at her.

"We should talk," Karly said.

"I know what you are going to say, you have to stay with your husband and we are over, I knew that would be your choice," Luke said. Karly looked at him.

"I'm sorry, Luke," Karly said.

"It's not your fault, Karly, this was all my sister's doing, she thought she was trying to help me, wanted me to be happy, she did the opposite, she destroyed me," Luke said.

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