Chapter Twenty Two

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Three weeks later, Luke is sitting in his office at the club

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Three weeks later, Luke is sitting in his office at the club. He was doing paperwork when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Luke said. The door opened and Austin came in.

"Hey Luke," Austin said.

"Hey Austin, what's up," Luke said.

"Mom just got a call from Karly, she's heading home," Austin said. Luke smiled.

"She is?" Luke asked. His phone beeped and he looked at it.

"That her?" Austin asked.

"Yep, asked me to meet her at the house in a couple hours," Luke said.

"We are having a little welcome home dinner for her and Jackson, meet us there," Austin said.

"I will, man," Luke said.

"Luke, I'm glad she has you in her life now, I know you will make her happy, you certainly did the last time," Austin said.

"I will keep her happy, Austin, and thank you," Luke said.

"I better get going to the store, see ya later, man," Austin said. He left. Luke sent a text back to Karly.

"Can't wait to see you, gorgeous," Luke texted.

"Me too, handsome, see you soon!" Karly texted. He went home and showered and changed and checked the time and went to his parents and talked with them and then headed to Karly's house. He knocked on the door. The door opened and Amy stood there.

"Luke, hello, come in," Amy said.

"Hi Amy, I came early to see if you all needed help with anything," Luke said.

"I think we have it all under control," Amy said.

"How often have you talked with her?" Luke asked.

"Every day, just telling me hello and that she and Jackson were doing good, sending me pics of him, how about you?"Amy asked.

"Once a day, just to say hi and that she was doing okay," Luke said. Amy looked at him.

"Just a text or a call?" Amy asked.

"A text, here," Luke said. He showed her all the texts that Karly sent him.

"You were right, simple hellos, I'm okay," Amy said.

"You don't think she met someone else while traveling, do you?" Luke asked.

"I don't think so, she hadn't said anything about it, don't worry, Luke, I'm sure she wouldn't be coming back if she met someone out there, she would have stayed where the guy was, she's coming back for you, honey," Amy said.

"I guess I'm just being paranoid and all that, I missed her a lot and I really want to be with her," Luke said.

"And you will be," Amy said.

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