Chapter Twenty Six

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Three days later, Karly still hadn't come home. Austin and Eric hadn't heard from her and neither has her mother. She won't answer her phone or texts but it shows that she's read them. Luke was getting worried. He arrived at the club with Jackson and went to the office and sat him in the playpen he had set up in there. He sat down and did some paperwork. Drew and Sam came in.

"Hey boss," Drew said.

"And mini boss," Sam said smiling at Jackson.

"Hey guys, find anything?" Luke asked.

"Her cell phone pinged in Maine," Drew said.

"Maine?" Luke asked.

"Yes, and we got traffic camera footage," Sam said. He showed the picture of Karly at a red light in her car. She was alone and looked tired.

"I guess she's doing a little traveling to clear her head," Luke said.

"Do you want us to go after her, boss?" Drew asked.

"She has to come home sometime, her mother and brothers have been trying to get a hold of her, but she's not answering them, she can't stay away from Jackson forever, she's got to be missing him," Luke said. His phone rang. He looked and saw it was Karly wanting to Facetime. He motioned them to be quiet and answered it.

"Karly?" Luke asked.

"Hey," Karly said.

"You okay?" Luke asked.

"I'm fine, I wanted to see Jackson, is he with you?" Karly asked.

"You can come home and see him you know," Luke said.

"Luke," Karly said.

"How long are you going to stay gone, Karly, it's not good for you and not good for us and not good for Jackson, he needs you, Karly, I need you, I said I was sorry, you know I love you," Luke said.

"I just need more time," Karly said.

"It's been three days, Karly, how long do you need?" Luke said.

"I don't know," Karly said.

"When you figure it out, you can see Jackson, he's fine," Luke said.

"I would like to see that for myself, please let me see my son," Karly said. Luke sighed and put his phone down and went and picked up Jackson and sat down with him in his lap and picked up the phone and put it in front of him. Jackson saw his mom and smiled. She smiled at him.

"Hi baby, are you being a good boy for Luke," Karly said.

"Dad," Luke said.

"What," Karly said.

"Call me Dad," Luke said.

"Luke, you aren't his father," Karly said.

"I am now because the adoption went through the day you left, I got home and the papers were there waiting saying it was official," Luke said.

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