LII | Girl in Red

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Yep, it's deliberate. Hey, do you guys like girl in red too?

MY GLOVED HANDS SHAKE IN THE FOLDS of my dress. I am wearing black, the colour of a pure, moonless night. Nonno told me it would help them see me as fierce, undefeatable.

"I am proud," he says, "to tell you, my family, mia famiglia, that this is the daughter of my son. She is my only living blood, and not only is she beautiful, you may know her as Ruby."

At this, there are gasps, cheers.

My hands turn warm in my silk gloves. I feel a blush spread through me at the fact that they are clapping. They want this. They want me.

"When I die," the Reaper says, "I am proud to tell you that Cadenza Conti, my flesh, my blood, will take over. And she will rise above me. She will make us a better, stronger, wiser, and above all―richer."

At this, the crowd is wild. Shouts and cheers twist like smoke in the air.

Now, the Reaper takes my hand and he lifts it up. Here is my one line: "I will make you proud!" I declare in a strong, clear voice.

My eyes search the people without meaning to. I know who I'm looking for, but I won't admit it to myself.

I let out a sigh of relief as my grandfather and I leave the balcony. After all the waiting, all the wondering, it feels good to know it is over. That they want to see me take over, that they will not challenge my rule. Nonno has taught me well.

The Reaper cups my cheek with his hand and tilts his head. His blue eyes meet mine, and just like every time I see him, a little shock races through me, knowing that those blue eyes are the ones I see in the mirror. Although he is my grandfather, he's taken on more of a parental role. My whole life, I've been so desperate to have a parent, someone who would take care of me. And now he does, and I am so, so grateful.

"Go dance," he says. "You did wonderfully, Cadenza. Show them you'll not only be above them as their lord, but with them as their friend. Have fun, bella."

I touch his hand and he smiles. Then I'm off, speeding down the stairs. I need to find her―to see her―to know

Another thought occurs to me, and I stop dead in my tracks before I reach the door that will lead me towards the crowd.

What will I say? How do I talk to her?

I let her think I was dead.

But I can't waste time here, doubting, worrying. I paste a wide smile onto my face, and I open the doors. The crowd welcomes me, clapping my back and kissing my cheeks. This time, the grin isn't forced: they do accept me, they do love me. I feel like I'm on fire, knowing I'm alight with their praise.

Even so, I still move through the crowd, my eyes going towards each and every person. Is she here? Is she disguised?

Cassian is the reason she knows I'm alive, but . . . what if she doesn't even care?

As soon as I think of him, Cassian appears before me. He looks strange, a little tousled. With closer inspection, I notice his temple and mouth are swelling.

It looks like he's been in a fight.

Before I can say anything, he drops to one knee.

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