New Soul?

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This is basically how my week goes


I wake up,Make breakfast for me and the bitties, go do my work for online college,go out to a desolate and remote area in the Woods to practice with my magic,manage to make a small color changing flame,go home,have dinner go to sleep


I wake up,Make breakfast for me and the bitties,Go do my work for online college,go out to a desolate and remote areas of the woods,Make a bigger color changing flame and almost make two swords,go home, have dinner,go to sleep.


Wake up,Make breakfast for me and the bitties,go do my work for online college,talk to someone on the phone,a friend,or aquantince really,go to a desolate and remote areas of the woods and sommon two black flaming swords (the fire changes colors)
Make a exclamation point on the ground,get told by one of the bitties I'm a natural,go home,have dinner,go to sleep


I wake up,Make breakfast for me and the bitties,go do my work for online college,but today isn't the causal come home practices magic LA LA la,no I have to go to the store,so like a normal person,I get my red hoodie,black jeans,boots,turtle neck,blah blah blah,and I get the bitties "Y/n,don't get almost robbed again" Horror said with a hint of dry humor,"ha,I won't" I say as I gather up other things to go to the store as the bitties divide if they'll stay home or not,"HUMAN,DIDN'T YOU JUST GET GROCERIES?" Dust Paps ask,"yes,but I'm going to the fabric store,mind you three have been wereing the same garments since I found you" I say as I am trying to find my wallet,"Eh I guess you correct," Killer says as he telaports up on to my hood,Horror and Dust  head to my pockets,

Later (time skiiiip)

The bitties and I arrive at the mostly empty clothing store,the bitties almost immediately direct me to the blues whites and black isle,I put them down and block them from the view of the cameras and OTHER customers,Horror pics out all blue black and white,Killer choses black, blue and red,dust choses blue,black,white, and a little bit of purple,his ghastly brother helps him out,they dont bother to ask how much the fabric cost,i dont care,i have too much money anyways,they pickout the out fabric they want and we pay and head home,I practice magic but nothing new

??? POV (but I think you can guess who)


Why are these three so hard to track?
It feels like after they f@cked up at capturing Classic Gaster they just...vanished,
I stare at the strongest place I can feel them growing more frustrated bye the second then
"🏱☹☜💧🕆☼☜ 💧☜☜✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆 ☟☜☼☜📪 ☠✋☝☟❄💣✌☼☜📬 ✌☼☜ ✡⚐🕆 ☹⚐⚐😐✋☠☝ ☞⚐☼ 💧⚐💣☜⚐☠☜✍ 💧⚐💣☜⚐☠☜💧✍"
I wip around to see Classic and his Gaster "Dontcha know how to greet and old pal?not bye kidnapping his Gaster,that's for sure" Classic says as his eye turns blue,
"Classic im here for your Gaster,he made my gang disappear,but extra suffering wouldn't hurt?" I say as we both pull out our Gaster Blasters

We shoot

"...its a bueitiful day outside"

                            "Birds are singing...Flowers are blooming"

            "On days like these Sanses like you..."

"Should be burning in hell"
Sorry for the swear at the end,Fresh had to go piss of Error so I couldn't censor it,my uncles doggo named lady us staying with us till he sorts some stuff out,she's a real sweetie pie!bie guys don't be a douce to people,or you'll get a bad time!

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