Bitty Memories

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(A few weeks later)

I sigh as I need to get to bed, and use magic to cook us dinner, Pappy said I'm a natural and now he convinced to make spaghetti, again, I pretty much have my magic down and as a side task while we try to figure out how to get these guys back too the AU'S we are also trying to figure out what AU there in, "SO HUMAN!" Pappy says as I cook the spaghetti, looking tired "Hello Papy" I say as I put the meatballs in the spaghetti "WELL I WAS WONDERING....." He trails off as I raise my eyebrow, I'm the type to get straight to the point, "Hmmmmm?" I say trailing on it, "May We Go To The Park...." He ask and I'm surprised and I also feel like and a$s hole, I shoot up and the Guys look at me, "IS THAT AN YES!!!" Pappy ask "Yep, sorry I didn't think of that, good god I feel like a d¡ckhed right now" I check the spaghetti, satisfied its done and we all have dinner

While Killer and Dust crack dark jokes and Pappy getting mad about it, I notice that Horror, he normally scarf's down his food, especially when its spaghetti, but he barely touched it and he seems to teleport to the window, I go over to him "Uh...dude? You ok?" I ask and he lets out a 'm'fine' and doesn't turn to look at me, "No ya aren't" now he turns and he's doing that thing with his hand in his socket, "Then why'd cha' ask, da=n it!" He growls and I put my hands up in defeat, "I'm trying to help..." He look at me funny and I cock my head, "Why?" He ask "Why what?" His glare digs into me "Why the hell do you care, your an inverted trait, and even then, last week ya started a fight with 3 guys and laghthed your a$$ off when they lost, so why the hell are you being nice!? Is it pity!? Is that it!" His voice got louder and the other two (three if you count Pappy) bittiest telaported away,"Look...I don't know what in the he!! You've gone through but....where you betrayed by someone you thought you knew?" He slightly flintches, bingo, "Heh I probably didn't have it on the same level as you did but I was hurt too,it may have been what inverted my trait, My own father....he...ah god da_n it I can't even say it" I looked about ready to collapse of Anxiety and Horror looked supriesd as if I couldn't cry at all, "Heh, yea...pepole you trust can be a b!tch can they not? I just don't want someone I find ok to suffer from this sh!t as much as I do, ok?" I look at him with a half-forced smile "If ya need ta talk, I have open ears dude" I say then walk away, I look at the table and am happy to see Horror finished his dinner and I go to bed, before I go to sleep though I hear what I'll assume is Horror say "I may take you up on that offer, kid" I smile and feel myself get pulled off into what I think could be a Dream yet I have a feeling it will be a Bad one not a Nightmare but a Bad Dream.
590 words

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