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I was laying in bed reading "The Handmaid's Tale", my teacher had given it as an assignment for the summer, I usually wasn't fond of summer projects, but I enjoyed reading, you could tell by the piles and piles of books I had stacked up on my bookshelves. I started getting into reading at the age of 4. Around the time I met my best friend, actually. Hm, my best friend, haven't thought about him in awhile. Georgie Denbrough. He went missing when we were 6, I don't remember much about it, guess I just forgot. Georgie had an older brother, Bill Denbrough, he's probably off at college right now, he's 21. I placed my book down on my lap and began to remember Georgie, he had light brown hair, brown eyes, and the sweetest smile. I wonder what happened to him.

I was then snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my mother's footsteps, I tensed up as the footsteps got closer and closer. She was a good mom, but when the alcohol took over, she transformed into a selfless monster.

She walked in, a little tipsy, but not drunk, thank god.

"Hey, how'bout you get off your butt and clean this lazy room."

"Yes ma'am." I replied almost instantly, to not frustrate her. She left the doorway, closing the door on her way out. I sighed, getting off my bed and placing the book on my nightstand.

I looked over to my closet, which was probably the messiest part of my room. I opened it and looked down at the piles of unfolded clothes, and then up at the boxes of "Junk".

I grabbed my desk chair and moved it over to my closet, I hopped onto it and grabbed a box. I sat it down on the floor and sat down in front of it. There was some yellow fabric poking out of the lid, so I opened it up. It was a small jacket, there were holes and, blood? Covering it. The right arm was completely missing. Why did I have this?

I grabbed it and stared for a moment, until I blacked out...


I haven't been handling Georgie's disappearance too well. My parents are starting to worry about me. It's been a couple months since my best friend had gone missing. It's summer now, any normal 6 year old would be out playing with their friends right now, but I didn't have a friend anymore. Every once in a while Georgie's brother Bill, and his friends would come over with treats to try and cheer me up, but it never worked. I was sad, confused, angry. I just wanted my friend back. I looked out my window, it was a nice day outside, there were kids riding their bikes and going to the candy store. I looked down at my bike that hadn't been touched in months. I stood there for a moment before deciding I'd go for a quick ride. My parents weren't home right now, they went on a cruise with their friend, but my older sister was home. I informed her that I was going for a bike ride, she seemed surprised, but happy. I grabbed my shoes and walked out the door, head down. I could feel the burning stares I was receiving. I hopped on my bike and peddled off.

I didn't know where I was going, I just turned randomly every couple minutes. Derry is a pretty small town, hard to get lost in.

Then I turned onto my least favorite street. It always gave me the chills. There was this old house, it was huge, I swear I saw something move in there last year.

But this time it was different, as I biked past it, I saw a group of teenagers standing outside of it, on the front lawn. I stopped and watched them, it was Bill and his friends! I was listening to their conversation, then I heard Georgie's name. Georgie. Georgie! Is Georgie in there?! They began to walk in. I dropped my bike and followed them. Making sure to keep my distance so they wouldn't hear or see me. I followed them down a hallway, then down to the basement. I didn't like this. I don't think they did either. But I needed to see Georgie. They led me to a room with a well, it looked old and worn. I hid in the doorway, peeking my head in to see what was happening. One of them threw a rope down, securing it to the ceiling. They were really gonna go down there?! Why would Georgie be down there? I watched as the last boy started for the rope, until I heard footsteps behind me, I ducked down behind an old table as he entered the room. He was blonde, had a mullet and a knife. Henry Bowers. There was blood all over him. My heartbeat started getting faster and faster as I worked up the courage to peek my head through the door again. When I finally looked, I saw the kid push Henry down the well. He then put his attention back onto the rope. Once he got down, I heard them yelling "STAN?". I ran over to the rope and looked down at what seemed to be a never ending abyss. I let out a shaky sigh and grabbed the rope, I nearly slipped a couple times, but I finally made it to where the others stopped. I walked through the sewage, plugging my nose. I followed their voices and found myself outside of a small room. They we're all huddled around a tall boy, who seemed to be bleeding. I looked at Bill, and he was looking off in another direction. He got up and walked towards something. I looked over to where he was going, but I didn't see anything. After a couple seconds the boys noticed that Bill was missing and ran to the direction that Bill had gone.

"BILL?! BILL?!" Echoed through the sewers as I followed steadily behind them. They lead me to a huge room, full of toys, but old, rotting, broken toys. I looked up and saw a girl with short red hair floating in the air. I covered my mouth as my jaw dropped. The 5 boys were reaching for her, and when they finally got her down, she wasn't waking up. One of them kissed her, which was disgusting. (I'm all for Ben kissing Bev, but she's 6 so like-) But it seemed to wake her up. They all sighed in relief and hugged until they noticed Bill wasn't with them. They began running out of my sight, so I ran into the room and hid behind a stack of toys. I saw Bill, and someone in front of him. Georgie? It was Georgie! But... he was missing an arm...? I was watching Bill and Georgie, his friends did the same. But then Bill pulled out a gun looking thing and held it against Georgies forehead. I tensed up and watched. Then Bill pulled the trigger, leaving a gaping hole in my best friends forehead. Killing him.

"NO!" I screamed. They all jumped and turned around to look for who that came from, then they saw me.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Richie yelled. I started backing away from them, afraid that they were going to shoot me too. I then started breaking down, tears spilling out of my eyes as the fear filled up. They started walking towards me, until they noticed Georgie was shaking. His limbs started to stretch out, and his clothing changed into a clown costume.It sat up, revealing its horrifying clown face. It was staring right at me. And then it ran towards me, grabbing me. The last thing I saw before blacking out was a yellow rain jacket, all ripped and torn, blood stains all over.

Hiiii, that was chapter one! I hope you enjoyed it. I'll work on chapter 2 soon! But not right now cause it's 5 am- Sorry for any spelling/Grammar mistakes. Thanks for reading <3

-Found- Georgie Denbrough x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ