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Y/N's Pov

"Well how many years has it been?" I asked Mike, he looked just as freaked out as I was.

"8," he responded instantly, "it's been 8 years."

I paused for a moment, and realized that I was never told the whole story of what happened that summer. I knew bits of it, based off of what I saw in my flashback, and what Mike told me yesterday. But there had to be more to it.

"Mike. What really happened that summer." I asked him.

He let out a hard sigh, "fine, i'll tell you. But you can't tell anybody, and no interrupting."

I nodded my head and gestured for him to continue.

"As you probably already know, in 1988 Georgie Denbrough went missing. I'm not sure if anything else important happened after that, I only met the losers in the summer of 1989.I was still an outsider, I didn't have any friends. I had my first encounter with Pennywise before I met  Eddie, Richie, Bill, Stan, Ben and Bev. I met them when they saved my butt from Henry and his goons," he said before silently mumbelling, "rock war" with a nostalgic grin on his face. He chuckled slightly before continuing with the rest of the story. "It all went downhill from there." His voice got deeper, more serious. He told me everything.

It had been hours since I came bursting through the library doors. The sun was starting to set when Mike was done telling me the blood curdling stories, but the night was still young.

"Now that I've told you MY story, you tell me yours, how did you get this stuff." Mike gestured to the objects that were still sitting on the coffee table.

"Well, the raincoat is a mystery. I found it in my closet. Then yesterday, when I was on my way home after I came to talk to you, I crashed my bike, then this voice came from nowhere. It was saying my name, and asking for help. Then this balloon came floating towards me, I was paralized, unable to move. Something was watching me. It stopped just before it could collide with my face. Then it popped. Then this, then I heard this giggle. It sounded like a child's giggle, but it just didn't feel right. I looked towards the sound, but all that was there was the paper boat. So I took it home and put it in the same box as the raincoat. And the note, this morning there was a rustling under my bed, so I checked it out but all that was there was the box. I opened it. Nothing seemed abnormal until I  removed the raincoat and the boat, and there sat the note."

Mike's face dropped, "Balloon? What colour?"

"Red, why's it matter?" I asked him, why was he so worried about what colour the balloon was after what I just told him?

"Listen very carefully Y/N," He said, ignoring my question,"drop this. Leave this stuff with me. Don't go near the sewers, go back to your normal life and forget any of this ever happened, ok?."

"No," I said plainly, "Somebody's still down there, they're calling out to me. They need my help."

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, it's not safe" Mike fought

"Fine, then come with me."

He looked at me dead in the eyes, "no. I'm never going down there again."

"Alright, well I'm going into those sewers, if I die, I die. See ya never." I said as I began towards the stairs.

He paused for a moment before running after me and grabbing my wrist, turning me to face him just before I reached the stairs"I get that you won't take no for an answer, but there's no way I can go down there again. But at least take this," he walked over to where he kept his umbrellas and pulled out a iron rod, "This kills monsters," he said as he handed it to me, "if you believe it does."

"Oh, and...," He ran over towards his desk, grabbing a paper and pen, he scribbled something down then ran back over to me, "This is a map of the sewers, your gonna want to enter through the barrens, then take this path to get to the area where IT keeps the bodies, if anybody's still alive in there, that's where they'll be. But I doubt anybodys still in there.

"T-thanks Mike" I gave him a smile before walking down the stairs. Mike stood at the top giving me a look of worry and sadness, but also hope.

I knew that there was a possibility of me never leaving the sewers if I went in. I knew that Mike was right. But I had to try. What did I have to live for anyways?

Once I made it out the doors and onto the front steps of the library it was already dark out. Most people had turned their porch lights off, and everybody was in bed. But the streetlights gave me enough light to get to the barrens.

I ventured through the night, fear filling up inside of me, I could turn back anytime, go back to my warm bed and forget any of this ever happened. "No, stick with the plan Y/N." I told myself But was there even a plan? I hadn't thought this through. What would I do if there was still someone down there? How do I know if they're real? Once I reached a grassy hill near the train tracks, it was almost too dark to see. The only light source I had was the small lights hanging from the train track bridge. I carefully walked down the hill, trying to avoid the rocks, the hill brought me to the barrens, so all I had to do was follow the stream of water to reach the sewer. Once I'd finally reached it, it was 1:07 am. I was now standing in front of the huge sewer entrance. I wish Mike had come.

I thought of opting out again,it wasn't too late But then I remembered the fear in that voice. "Help me.." Rung through my head.

Hearing this gave me the courage to take a step into what Eddie would have called "Greywater". I only knew Eddie from when Bill, Eddie, Richie and Stan would come visit me after Georgie went missing, but I could barely remember that. From the stories that Mike had told me earlier, he seemed like a fun person to be around.

Each step I took through the sewage just made me feel more and more disgusted. I grasped the iron rod that Mike had given me in my right hand, prepared to swing at any clown that might come my way. If it can really kill monsters, I 'otta keep it safe. And in my left hand I held the map Mike drew me. I looked down at it every couple seconds, making sure I was headed in the right direction.

After what felt like an hour of going back and forth in the sewers, nearly getting lost, I finally found it. The room I saw when I was 6. The room I saw in my flashback. I eyed the room, checking for the clown, Nothing. The room was empty, other than the piles and piles of old, rotting toys. I made my way into the room, still grasping the iron rod in my hand. I hesitantly walked around the stack of toys, not expecting anyone to be there. But when I turned the corner. There stood a small boy. I wasn't close enough to see who it was, but I had this gut feeling. As I got closer to the figure, his features started to reveal themselves. Georgie. It was Georgie. Something seemed off, but I didn't really notice, or care at first. Georgie was still 6, he didn't look a day older than the last time I saw him 8 years ago, maybe something about being down here stopped you from growing.

"y-y/n?" Georgie asked.

"I-its me Georgie. I'm gonna g-get you out of here." I said as a couple tears fell down my face, from shock, from relief, from happiness.

I stepped closer and closer to the boy, but he stood still, a slight grin creeping up his face. I reached for Georgie's hand, ready to get him out of this place. But just before I could grab him, I was pulled away, and shoved into a stack of toys. By someone, or by something.

Hi, I had to edit this cause I wrote this last night and reread it this morning, AND IT WAS DISGUSTANG, so my apologies to anybody who had to read it before I edited. Also i'm Canadian so don't come at me for writing "colour" and not "color".

-Found- Georgie Denbrough x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt