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I walked out of the library, the sun was starting to set and there weren't many people outside, they were probably getting ready to eat dinner. I looked down at my watch, 6:58. Mike's words wouldn't stop going through my head, "i'm not sure". Could Georgie still be alive? Does he need help? Where is he? Questions that only Georgie could answer kept flowing through my brain. I needed answers. I needed my best friend.

I began biking home, I felt eyes on me but nobody was around. The streets were empty, there was an eerie feeling in the air that brought shivers down my spine. As the streetlights started turning on, I started biking faster.

I then turned onto Jackson Street. The last place Georgie was seen. I've always hated this street, it brought back too many memories. Georgie and I always took walks along this street, we played with our gi Joes on those walks, I still had mine. But I stopped playing with it when Georgie went missing.

I snapped out of my memories when I fell off of my bike, I looked at my knees as I sat up, they were bleeding, but it wasn't too bad. They just stung a little. I stood myself up, adjusting my clothing, I grabbed my bike, I figured I'd just walk the bike home since it wasn't far.

"Y/N!" A voice whisper yelled.

I looked in the direction of the voice, nothing.

"Hello?" I said, looking around for somebody.

"Help me..." The voice whimpered.

"HELLO?!" I yelled looking around, still nothing.

I felt goosebumps rising up my arms, a shiver went down my spine, my palms got sweaty. Something was behind me.

I whipped my head around, nothing was there. I looked further into the distance and saw a red balloon floating towards me. Probably just a runaway balloon from a party. I stood there as it got closer and closer towards me. I tried moving out of the way of the balloon as it came face to face with me, but I couldn't, I couldn't move. Just as the balloon was about to hit my face, it stopped. I stared at it for what felt like hours, but it was only a few seconds before it popped, startling me.

Just then, I heard a chilling giggle in my left ear, I whipped around towards the sewers, nothing seemed out of the normal except for a small paper boat resting on top of the grate, nobody was there. Perhaps it was just my imagination. I walked towards the small boat, it looked like the ones I used to make with Georgie and his brother, Bill.

I picked it up, I was glad to see that kids were still playing with these on rainy days.

Then I noticed writing on one side of the boat, I flipped it around. It read: SS Georgie

My breathing hitched as a gulp went down my throat and a tear falling out of my left eye. Just then it started to rain, the rain started getting heavier and heavier, I just stood there clutching the boat in my hands.

The rain started mixing with my tears as my eyes started stinging. My hair was now soaked, a shiver went down my spine, but not from fear, not from sadness, but from the cold.

Taking a deep breath, I put the boat in my back pocket and grabbed my bike. I'd forgotten about my butchered knees, so I hopped on my bike and peddled home.

Once I arrived in front of my house, I had the urge to scream. I've had so much anger, fear and sadness bottled up inside of me that's been piling up inside of me, and today's events blew the top off of that bottle. I knew I'd receive funny looks and weird glances from my neighbors, but I needed this.

"FUCK," I screamed, yup, I really did need that. For a couple beautiful seconds I felt as if I had nothing holding me down, I smiled, I smiled a real smile. But that soon faded away as I took the tiny paper boat out of my back pocket. "Fuck indeed" I mumbelled.

I looked at the tiny, boring house in front of me. My mom's car wasn't in the driveway, meaning that she was probably at the bar. She went almost every night. I pulled my bike onto the lawn and dropped it, I then walked up the stone path towards the door, grabbing my key out of my front pocket.

Once I got in, I locked the door behind me, took my shoes off and stuffed some old newspaper in them since they were soaking wet. I took my socks off and went up to my room. The room was still a mess, so I stuffed random things into my closet. I put the paper boat on my nightstand and grabbed my flannel pajama pants and my oversized tee-shirt that had David Bowie printed on it. I changed and put my wet clothes in my laundry basket. I grabbed my brush and got the knots out of my hair.

Once I was ready for the night, I looked down at the floor, the box I found the jacket in was still on the floor. I froze for a second, staring at it, but then I took the paper boat and put it in the box, stuffing it under my bed.

I then climbed into bed, the blankets hugged and comforted me as I drifted off to sleep, hoping that I'd wake up, 6 years old again. All of it having been a dream.

I get that no one reads these :') and nobody's gonna see this, but I HAVE A MEME TO SHARE,I also have a dry sense of humour so it's probably not gonna be funny but whateverrrrrrr. Anyways thanks for reading, i'll update soon :)

 Anyways thanks for reading, i'll update soon :)

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