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"Well where do you want me to start?" Georgie asked as Mike began walking over to a chair.

"Since you've been in the sewers all this time, where were you when the losers and I killed, or um, silenced IT in 1989?" Mike asked, as he sat down.

Georgie gave Mike a confused look, "Losers?"

I budded in to answer his question, "Mike, Eddie, Richie, Stan, Ben, Bev and Bill."

"Wait, so that was you guys?!" Georgie asked, and Mike gave him a simple nod.

"Well, I was exploring the sewers -trying to find a way out- when I heard screaming. I began to follow the screams, hoping they'd be coming from somebody who could help me, but just before I could reach the source these human-like things started walking towards me. They looked like zombies, but I recognized a couple of them. I think one of them used to bully Billy, and the other went to school with you," he pointed to Mike, "anyways, they chased me for a good 20 minutes until they just, disappeared. I ran back towards the source of the screams but nobody was there. It was dead silent. I saw the bodies that we're floating earlier begin to come down, and I just assumed the clown was gone. After that I tried to find a way out of the sewers. It took about a year to find a safe way out, but just as I was about to leave, the clown appeared in front of me. IT chased me back to its "main room" and nearly ate me. But I found a pole and shoved it down it's throat. This repeated every year, for 8 years. He'd come back every year, and I caught on that he couldn't leave the sewers unless it had been 27 years. But he could still lewer kids into the sewers. So I decided not to leave, and stuck a pole down his throat everytime he came back. And then today, when I saw Y/n talking to my young self, I assumed it was the clown, since he can shapeshift, as you probably already know. So I got rid of it before it could kill her. Then we escaped through the barrens. And here we are." He finished.

Mike had wide eyes, surprised by how long the boy had survived down there, "What did you eat down there?"

"Food washed up in the rain water a lot, at first it tasted disgusting and slimy, but I got used to it pretty quickly."

I looked over at Georgie, he was quite skinny and frail, he was wearing an old, torn, black t-shirt and some cargo shorts that we're way too big for him. There was dirt all over him and he smelt horrid, but you couldn't really blame him, he hasn't had access to a shower for 8 years.

"How 'bout Mike and I fix you a real meal well you go take a shower, and Mike can lend you some of his clothes, right Mike?" I said, looking towards Georgie and then Mike.

"Of course." Mike said.

"That'd be nice, thank you." Georgie smiled at both of us.

Mike pointed Georgie towards the bathroom and got up to grab him some clothes, Georgie walked over towards the bathroom and shut the door. I sat there for a couple minutes, alone with my thoughts as I spaced out, until I heard someone yell, "HEY, HOW DO YOU USE THIS THING?" I chuckled and got up, heading towards the bathroom. I forgot that he still had the intelligence of a 6 year old.

"Knock, knock." I said.

"Come in!" Georgie replied. I walked into the bathroom and showed Georgie how the shower worked. Mike came in as I was showing him and placed the clothes on the counter.

"Hopping in the shower with him?" He looked at me. I turned around, wide eyed as my cheeks began to turn red, Georgie did the same. Mike noticed the uncomfortable energy in the room and left, walking towards the kitchen.

"So uh, y-you understand now?" I asked, he nodded, "Okay, bye." I said quickly as I speed walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Once I made it to the kitchen, Mike was hysterically laughing, "What's so funny?" I asked, as I opened the fridge to see what we could make. There wasn't much in the fridge but there was some tomato sauce and an onion.

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