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My eyes shot open, I was safe on my bedroom floor, still holding the jacket. I placed the jacket back in the box and walked into the kitchen. My mom was sitting in front of the TV, a beer in hand. I grabbed the landline and took it up to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I looked around my room for my notebook, I kept phone numbers in there. I had so many questions going through my head, I needed answers.

Once I found the notebook, I flipped through the pages and pages of numbers.

Aha! I thought to myself, Bill Denbrough.

I dialed the digits onto the phone, then I pressed call. It rang a few times, I stood there anxious. When he finally picked up he said,

"Bill Denbrough,"

"Hey Bill, its Y/N." I told him.

"Y-Y/N? Why are you calling me..."

"Nice to hear from you too Bill." I chuckled."I was actually calling because I had a few questions."

"Shoot." He said, waiting for me to continue

"I uh, I had this dream. I was 6, you must've been 13. And you and your friends were gathered around that old house on Neibolt. You went in, and I followed you." I told him the whole story. "It just, it just seemed so real. So I was uh, I was wondering if you could back me up on this, confirm or deny that it happened.

The line was silent, I could just barely hear his breathing, but it was rapid, stressed.

"Look Y/N, I don't remember a lot from my childhood, I've got a buddy you could go talk to though." He replied after some time.

"Alright, what's his address?" I asked.

He gave me the address and I said my thank you's and my goodbyes, but before I hung up he said,

"Hey, uh, you stay safe, ok?"

"Of Course Bill, talk soon." I replied right before hanging up. I grabbed a pen and wrote down the address Bill had given me. Then I tiptoed down to the kitchen and placed the phone back on the counter, I glanced at my mom, who was out cold. Now was the perfect time to go talk to Bill's friend.

I ran up to my room and grabbed a pair of sneakers and a sweater. I snatched the notebook up from my desk and put it in my pocket.

I ran down the stairs and out the door, hopping on my bike. I peddled towards the address Bill had given me, I didn't know why Bill could barely remember his childhood, he was only 21. Quite strange, actually. And if Bill couldn't remember, what made him think this Mike guy would either. But if I want to get answers, I've got to talk to him.

It took maybe 20 minutes to get to, the library? Maybe I had the wrong address. But I might as well go in just in case.

I got closer to the building, locking my bike up. I walked towards the stairs and climbed up, swinging the doors open. It was basically empty, not many kids liked going to the Library anymore. I went a lot, but just to get a new book, I never stayed long. I looked to my right and saw your average man in his 80s reading some boring book. I looked to my left and saw a little girl waiting for her mom to find a book. Then I looked forward and saw the Librarian, i'll go ask her for help. I walked towards her, she didn't notice me standing at the desk until I cleared my throat, she shot her head up,

"Hey darlin', how can I help you today." She said in a southern accent.

"Uh, I was wondering if there was a Mike Hanlon here?" I asked.

"Yeah, he lives right upstairs, he just moved in a couple weeks ago actually." She pointed me towards a set of stairs in the corner of the library. I thanked her and walked towards the stairs. I climbed up and knocked on a wooden plant, since there was no door. A man peeked his head from around the corner.

"This isn't part of the Library, kid." He told me 

"Oh, uh. No, no, I know. I'm here for Mike Hanlon?" I responded.

His eyes grew wide, and then his face just sunk into a look of confusion.

"Are you Mike?" I asked, since he wasn't responding.

"Uh, Bill Denbrough sent me," I said, since the silence was killing me.

He still stood there confused. And after a minute or so he said, "What do you want."

"I just have a couple questions about that old house on Neibolt."

He dropped his glass of water, which I hadn't realized he'd been holding. I rushed over to help him clean the mess, once we'd dried off the floor and picked up all the glass shards, he led me to his seating area. I sat on a chair, well he sat on the couch.

"So is this for a history project or something?" He questioned me.

I chuckled slightly and replied with "No, I suppose you don't remember me, it's alright, I grew up, I didn't remember you either to be honest. Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N."

The expression on his face dropped.

Hi! I'm really sorry that this is so short and kind of anticlimactic but I promise it'll get better soon. Also I promise Georgie will be in this soon. I'll try and post another chapter by tomorrow, but if I don't it'll most definitely be out the day after that :) Bye bye thanks for reading! (Sorry for any spelling/Grammar mistakes)

-Found- Georgie Denbrough x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora