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My eyes shot open to the sound of my alarm clock. I slammed my hand onto the stop button and rolled over to check the time, 10:31 am. My mind was groggy after the events of yesterday, it must've been a dream. I swung my feet off of my bed and onto the floor, taking the rest of my body with them. I then walked over to my mirror and fixed my hair, putting it into two loose braids. Just as I was about to grab some clothes from my closet, I heard a rustling under my bed. Maybe my cat snuck into my room last night, but the door wasn't open, and by the looks of it, my mom didn't come home last night, so she couldn't have opened the door.

I made my way towards my bed and grabbed the pocket knife I kept on my nightstand, the rustling was getting louder and louder. I got down on my knees and slowly lifted the blanket covering the bed.

Once the bottom of the bed was shown in the light, the bedroom fell silent, nothing was under my bed except for a box. I grabbed the box (vaguely remembering that I put it there) and slid it in front of me. I let the blanket that was scrunched up in my hand go, letting it fall back into its original position on my bed.

A piece of yellow fabric was poking out of the lid, so I opened it up. What I saw in that box struck me with fear, there sat the paper boat and the yellow raincoat. It hadn't been a dream. I lifted them out of the box and saw a small slip of rotting paper. I hesitantly grabbed it and turned it over to study what it read, it read, "So you think i'm a dream" It had an eerie looking clown drawing next to it, with an immense frown sprawled throughout its face.

"Shit." I mumbelled, still grasping the piece of old, rotting paper.

The clown looked familiar, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. My memories from yesterday were slowly fading. I quickly grabbed my small notepad off of my nightstand and jotted down everything I could remember, to insure that I wouldn't forget any of this ever happened.

Mike. I needed to talk to Mike. I ran down stairs with my notepad to grab the phone. I flipped through the pages until I found Bill's phone number. I quickly pushed the numbers in and clicked call. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"William Denbrough spea-" He started.


"Is everyth-"


"O-okay, i-it's 207-876-0946."

I quickly jotted the number down in my notepad.

"Y/N, is everyt-" He started, but I hung up.

I repeatedly mumbelled Mike's name as I punched in his phone number, I pressed the call button and it rang for ages. No answer, I tried again, no answer. I must have tried 40 times, but he still wasn't answering.

I slammed the phone down onto the counter and ran upstairs to grab the box that had the raincoat, the boat and the note. I ran back downstairs, not even bothering to get out of my pajamas. I ran out the front door in bare feet and ran up to my bike. I secured the box and hopped on. I quickly sped down the street and towards the library.

It took approximately 10 minutes to get there. I jumped off of my bike and let it fall, not bothering to lock it. After grabbing the box, I bolted through the doors of the library and up the stairs, ignoring the librarian and the stares I was receiving.

"MIKE!" I screamed.

I turned my head towards the couch as he sat up, alarmed, from under a blanket. He started rubbing his eyes to clear his vision.

"Y/N? Why ar-"

"You told me IT was dead. YOU SAID YOU KILLED IT MIKE!" I interrupted.

"It is dead..." he said calmly, getting up and walking towards me.

I ran over towards his coffee table and placed the box down. He followed steadily behind me. Once he was close enough to see the contents of the box, I opened it up, revealing the three objects.

Mike's POV

The only thing I could see in the box that y/n had opened up was a yellow raincoat. It looked almost exactly like the raincoat that Georgie was last seen in, the raincoat that Bill found in the sewers after we killed Pennywise. She moved the raincoat out of the box and set it next to a stack of books I had on the table, she grabbed two more items from the box and set them next to the raincoat. One being a small paper boat, which Bill told me about. It's the thing that got  Georgie killed, but I wasn't sure if that was Georgie's paper boat until she flipped it over revealing the 'SS Georgie' written on the side. My heart stopped. Where did she get that? I gave her a puzzled look but then realized she had pulled out a third object. A note. I stepped closer towards her so I could observe what the note read.

"So you think i'm a dream" It had an eerie looking clown drawing next to it, with an immense frown sprawled throughout its face.

"Shit." I mumbelled.

"My thoughts exactly." She mumbelled back, probably talking to herself, but I heard her.

I gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, trying to calm her down, even though I wasn't too calm myself.

"We killed it, I watched it fade away. I remember watching it fade away!" The stress in the air was almost visible to the human eye. She was scared. I was scared. "Besides, it's only supposed to come back every 27 years. Why is it back."

-Found- Georgie Denbrough x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon