¹ Appendix

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Summary: Niall got an bad stomach flu but the boys have a busy day so he can't take proper care of it.
But it turns out to be worse than just stomach bug.
- no ship, just Zianouarry friendship


Third Pov

Niall sat in his chair, arms wrapped around himself.
Since he woke up an hour ago he felt sick and like he wanted to trow up all over the kitchen table.

He looked up when Liam placed an cup of tea infront of him.
"Drink it. You should feel better after this."
Niall nodded and grabbed the drink. He told Liam about his aching stomach. He was an singer, not an actor. The boys would have discovered it anyways.

"Oi oiiii", Louis screamed when he entered the kitchen, Harry followed laughing.
Zayn came a few minutes after them, shaking his head.
"How can someone have so much energy in the morning?", he grumbled.

Louis laughed. When he passed Niall he clapped him on the back. "What's up Nialler?"
Instead of answering Niall flinched, a small whimper escaped his lips.
The older boy immediately took his hand back, looked at Niall worried.

"He got a stomach bug.", Liam explained.
Louis nodded in understand.
"I'm wondering that you haven't got it earlier by the amount of food you putting in yourself.", Harry wondered while he grabbed milk out of the fridge, pouring it over some cereals.

He placed a second bowl infront of Niall.
"Eat something. An empty stomach won't do anything to help you."
Niall wandet but his felt his stomach turn as he looked at the food.
"Thanks Harry but I'll eat later when the pain isn't that bad anymore."

"If you say so.", Louis said and grabbed Nialls bowl. Zayn glared at him.
"What?", the oldest asked. "If he don't want it I can have it!"

Alle the boys laughed and shook their heads.
Niall regretted it immediately when it forced him more pain but he ignored the worried glances his friends gave him.


Niall flinched when another wave of pain shot through him.
"Are you alright?", the make up artist asked him.

They arrived to an TV interview half an hour ago and now the ladies tried to make them all look less tired... well and Niall less sick.

"Cramps.", Niall answered.
The girl, an redheaded beauty, smiled sympathetically.
"Well now you'll understand the girls better who have to go through this kind of pain three days every months.", she laughed and speckled some concealer under his eyes.

After his hair and make up was done, Niall stumbled to the little couch where the other boys already took place.
"The lady should've used more foundation. You're still really pale.", Liam said.
Niall frowned at him.
"I'm pretty sure it's because I don't feel really well.", he grumbled.

"Sure. Sorry.", Liam said and stood up. "Sit down."
Just as Niall took Liams place a man came up to them.
"Alright guys. Let's go.", he announced.
Niall groaned but stood up.

"Sure you can do this?", Zayn asked, grabbed Niall by the shoulder.
"To be honest? I don't  know. I hope it'll be over soon.", Niall answered.
"We gonna try to answer the most questions so you don't have to.", Louis said now. "And after the interview we heading right back to the house and you can go to sleep."
Niall nodded. This idea sounded actionable.


"So. You just gonna publish your new album Midnight Memories soon. Is that right?", the interviewer asked. He was a man, probably in his forties.

"Yeah that's right. Probably my favourite album so far.", Louis said, smiling in the camera.
Niall just starred at his shoes and tried to smile a bit. 1D had the greatest fans and he knew they would probably notice his pain but he tried his best to hide it.

"Huh?", he asked. Had the interviewer asked something?
"I asked how it feels to be away from home the longest. The boys have the opportunity to visit their families whenever you guys are touring in the UK. But you obviously not."

Niall clenched his teeth and took a deep breath so his voice was steady.
"Naw. It's okay actually. I'm twenty now so I would've moved out by now anyways.", he answered and smiled at the camera. "Love ya Mum!"
The interviewer laughed and went on.

Niall leaned back as another wave of pain hit.
He grabbed the pillows tightly like it would do anything to help the pain.
He waited and waited but the pain wouldn't pass like it did the last times.

"Is he alright?", he heard the interviewer asked. Niall haven't noticed until now that he'd wrapped his arms around his stomach.
The blonde lad looked up and met Zayns worried eyes.
"You're really pale, dude. Should we stop the interview?"

Niall wanted to shook his head but instead he whimpered.
"Okay stand up guys!", he heard Liam say. The boys stood up and pressed Niall in an lying position but be immediately curled up.
"You can't tel me that's just an stomach bug.", he heard Louis mumble.

"Let me help.", the interviewer said. He stood up and rushed up too the boys.
"First of all stop recording! Show some respect!", he shouted at his team, then turned back to Niall.
"Could you stretch out please? I have to touch your stomach."

Niall just shook his head, still whimpering.
"Come on Nialler. We can't help if you don't let us!", Liam said.
Niall wanted to say something but couldn't. The pain made his whole body feel limp.

Some how he made it and stretched his legs out.
"Just let me...", the interviewer mumbled and pressed his hands on the left side of Nialls stomach. A painful scream escaped his lips.
"Shit. Call 911! His Appendix..."

Niall didn't heard the rest. The pain was too much and he was even a bit happy as the blackness took over and he fell unconscious.


Niall woke up in an strange looking room.
"What the...", he broke up and coughed. His throat felt sore.
"You're awake, darling.", an old woman suddenly said. Since when was she here?
She took a cup of water and placed it on Nialls lips. Grateful he took a big sip.
"You look like a nurse.", Niall mumbled.
"I am, love."
She laughed and Niall let his head fall back into the pillow.

"Can I tell your friends you're awake or do you prefer silence right now?", the nice lady asked.
"No... they can come in."

Just seconds later the four boys stood around Nialls bed.
"Never ever do that too us again!", Louis said after a while.
"Haven't planned it.", Niall answered.
"But for real.", Zayn said and grabbed Nialls hand. "I was so scared... one hour later and you could be..."
"But I'm not!", Niall interrupted his friend. "I'm fine."

The boys all smiled at him.
"And when you're out of the hospital we all go too Nandos.", Harry announced.
Nialls smile grew.
"Well. I hope I'll heal fast then."


I suck at writing endings.

Please tell me if you liked it or not.

Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.


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