³ afraid of surgery >Request<

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This is a request from VictoriaVanorden2
Hope it turned out like you imagined :D


Can you do one where niall has knee surgery and he is scarred and the boys comfort him please and take care of him please.
The ship can be niam please where niall and liam are dating but harry louis and zayn also live with them please


"Morning my little snowflake."
Niall opened his eyes just to meet the ones of Liam, who leaned so much in his direction, their noses almost touched.
Most people would say Liams eyes were brown, but if you look closely you could see the green in them.
Niall looked close enough when he pressed his forehead against his boyfriends one.

The older boy aprons his lips but the younger one frowned.
"I've got morning breath."
"I don't care."
And then they kissed, Niall way more awake than before.

"How late is it?", he asked after a while, his irish accent thick, since he just woke up.
"Like 5 a.m.", Liam answered.
Niall groaned. "This is an ungodly time too wake up!"
"I know babe.", Liam ran his hands through his boyfriends blonde hair. "But you do still remember your surgery, right? It'll be at 7 and so we got atleast 2 hours."

Niall nodded and tensed up immediately. He had pushed the thought about the surgery in the back of his mind for days but now he couldn't really ignore it anymore since it was in just two hours.

Liam noticed his boyfriend tense and put an comforting arm around him.
"I know you don't want to but you also know that you can't get on another tour in so much pain."
"It's not like I'm in pain 24/7"
"But every time you jump around... and on tour you do that every day. So basically..."
"I got it.", Niall interrupted his boyfriend.

He knew the surgery was necessary but it still didn't changed that he was scared as fck.
What if something didn't worked out like it was supposed to? What if the surgery did the opposite and his knee got more bad?

Niall would've probably drowned in this scary thoughts but then he heard noises coming from the outside.
He shot Liam an questioning look.
"Do you really think that the boys would let you go too surgery without saying good bye and wishing you best luck?", he explained.

Thanks,is what he should say but the first thing that popped into his mind was why do they have to say good bye? Are they afraid of never seeing me again? Like ... what if I have like allergic reaction to the...

The voice of his boyfriend interrupted his scary thoughts again.
"Go and have a shower. You won't be able to get one in the next few days without help.", Liam grinned and shoved Niall out of his bed.
When he stood up, a piercing pain shot through his knee and he sucked in a deep breath.
This surgery was really necessary.

After a hot shower, Niall wrapped the towel around his waist and stood in front of the mirror.
He was slightly more pale than other times, but not enough to be noticed by others.
Dang it. Niall played it cool for weeks but now, only two hours before the operation, he realized how scared he really was.

A thousand ways to NOT get the surgery popped into Nialls head. Run away, change his name, get a husband and adopt hundreds of kids and live on a rice farm... or something like that.

But no.
Instead he changes in grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, later those things  would be replaced by hospital gown anyways.
Niall made his way down too the kitchen were his best friends and his boyfriend were already waiting.

Zayn was hunched above a bowl of cereals and Nialls tummy grumbled at the sight of it.
"I'm sorry Nialler but you can't eat before your operation.", Louis said as he saw the blonde boys expression.

"I wouldn't be able to eat right now anyway.", Niall whispered an response.
Sure... he loved foot... maybe just as much he liked Liam.... but right now he felt like throwing up all over the floor.

Really... who invented nervousness?
Back in school Niall used to shake really bad before tests. He wasn't made for stress and the thought about being kind of knocked out while strange people in white clothes would cut you open, didn't really help to calm him.

"Niall isn't hungry?", Harry frowned. "Maybe we shouldn't send him to surgery but get a new Niall . Ours won't work anymore."
The other boys giggled but Niall just forced a smile on his face.
Liam put his arm around his boyfriends shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.
"It'll be okay."

One hour.
Now it was only one hour till the operation and the boys had to get in the car, so they could drive too the hospital. Even when they had a few weeks off, Paul decided to drive the boys.

Liam opened the door and Zayn, Harry and Louis left the house they all shared.
But Niall just stood in the middle i
of the doorway, starring out in the back yard, not being able to move at all.
He didn't  even heard Liam calling his name over and over again.

The irish boys eyes shot up and met Liams.
"How many times do I have to yell at you for coming.", he said and winked.
Any other time Niall would've cracked up about the joke but right now he felt like crying, like screaming, like... like he couldn't get air in his lungs.

Niall stumbled and probably would've fallen if it wasn't on Liam, rushing forward and catching his boyfriend.
"Shit Niall. You okay?"
The younger boy shook his head no before hiding it in Liams neck.

"Babe, I need you to breath. Please, Nialler."
Niall really wanted too but it just wouldn't work. His lungs refused to suck air in.

He heard footsteps. Probably the boys coming back to see why the couple would take so long.
"Are you comi- shit! What's up with Niall?", he heard Louis yell.
"Don't know. Maybe a panic attack?"

"Let me help.", Zayn mumbled now and grabbed Nialls shoulders to turn him in his direction, now the boys face to face.
"You can't breath, right?"
Niall nodded.
"Ok then try to hold your breath. Do it with me."
Zayn closed his mouth and pinched his nose, so did Niall.

After a minute Zayn released his nose and opened his mouth to take a deep breath. With a nod he motioned Niall to do the same.
And so he did.
Niall took a deep breath and it worked. Damn had he missed oxygen.

He felt Liams arms tightening around him and snuggled his head in his neck again.
"Thankz, Z.", he heard his boyfriend say.

After a few minutes Niall managed to stand up.
"Sorry boys.", he whispered but the lads heard.
"Why didn't you just told us how afraid you are?", Harry asked.
"Or atleast me?", Liam asked, a hint of hurt in his voice.
"I'm...I'm so sorry. I just thought... I haven't really thought about anything. I wasn't worried for weeks but waking up today brought all those awful images what could happen today and I just..."

Before Niall could end the sentence the boys welcomed him in an comforting group hug.
"Everything gonna turn out good.", Liam said and kissed his boyfriend on the head.
"Yeah. The doctors know what they're doing.", Harry added.

Niall let himself melt in the group hug before Paul entered the house.
He watched the boys for a few second then cleared his throat to get the boys attention.
They all turned to him.

"Ready boys? Niall?"
Niall blushed a bit as all heads turned in his direction.
"Still scared.", he admitted. Liam grabbed his hand, squeezing it and giving him an comforting smile.
"But yeah... ready."


Sorry it took a little longer but I hope you still like it, aswell as the others?

Well... I have to go too school now o_O

Love ya'll xx

《 One Direction Fluff and sickfics 》 &gt;&gt; Niall centric &lt;&lt;Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang