Hall of Fame

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Thank you guys for reading, it means a lot to me! Sorry it took forever to update. I had some issues, but it's up so read it and please give me feedback.


Tyler's POV

Eppppppppp! Today is the day!! The day I perform in front of thousands. I'm going to be performing this great mashup that I've been working on.(Sorry it's in chipmunk form!) it's gonna be one of the greatest performances I have ever done. I want it to be perfect because so many important people are here. And it's gonna be the first performance my dad will see but hopefully not the last.

"Ty you ready to go?" My dad yells up the stairs.

"Yeah give me like two more minutes!" I yell back. I put my heels on and grab my purse and walk downstairs. Roman is meeting us there since Jessica and Jazzy is going with him. Leigh is going with my dad. Dean is riding with us so it's like we're going together.

"Wow!" They all say as I take the last step.

"Um thanks I guess" I reply.

"If we weren't already running behind schedule, I would make you go change" my dad jokes. Leigh playfully hits his arm.

We all hop in the car and head to the arena where it's going to take place.


Text convo



Dean: you look beautiful tonight

Tyler: thanks

D: I kinda agree that you should have changed

T: whyyyyyy?!?! I'm finally taller than you!!!

D: because someone might steal you from me


D: ✊caught it!

T: lol ur cute

D: i only get cute?!?

T: srry meant adorable






We arrive at the arena and get out of the car. We meet up with a Roman and his girls.

"Ryler! I missed you!" Jazzy screams when she sees me. We hug.

"Hey girly! You look cute!" I say to Jazzy.

"Not as purrty as you!" She smiles. Awww! We all chat for a bit until Vince comes up.

"Hey how is everyone?" Vince asks. They reply with 'their goods'. Vince nods. "Good good. Ty can you go backstage and get ready for the show?" He says to me. I nod as everyone looks confused. "Oh, she's performing one of her songs tonight." He explains to them. Me and Vince walk backstage. There is so many people. Everyone dressed up. I see Alex Riley and wave. He is so cute in that tux. He waves back winking. Vince stops and talks to everyone and introducing me to them. Soon the show starts. I perform towards the end so I chill backstage with Vince.



It's time to go on. I go to my place and as the music is starting I feel a rush of energy and I feel like I'm flying high in the air. I love this feeling that's why I love performing. Their is nothing like it.





When the last note plays, everyone stands up and cheers. I can't believe it. My first standing ovation. I cant describe this feeling with words. I have happy tears twinkling to come out.



After party




At the after party, everyone congratulates me on my performance. It's what everyone is talking about. I see Lita and I walk over to her.

"Hey! You are so fucking talanted!" Lita says to be. She hugs me.

"Thanks but tonight was supposed to be about you and the other people being inducted. I'm sorry that I took your spotlight." I tell her.

"I had enough spotlight. It's your turn. So gave any autographs yet?" She asks me.

" No" I reply. She gets out a pen and grabs a napkin.

"Well give me one! I want the first one!" She smiles. "Trust me, you'll be giving out a lot more soon enough!" She tells me. As I sign my name, Alex comes over.

" Hey, Tyler. I'm Alex. You did great out there" he says to me.

"Thanks" I say to him as I give the napkin to Lita. She smiles and walks away.

" I'm sorry I wasn't very original. You must have heard that from everyone in the room" he smiles.

"Yeah I think I have" I smile back.

"So, Tyler, when can I buy your album?" Alex asks.

"When it comes out" I reply. We joke and talk a bit. Until I notice Dean. He looks pissed that I'm talking to him.

"Well should get going to my hotel. See ya tomorrow Ty" Alex says. We hug and then he leaves. I walk over to Dean.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"My girlfriend was flirting with some other guy" he says. He takes a drink of beer.

"I was not flirting. We were just talking!" I say to him.

"Whatever" he replies.

"Yeah whatever!" I say back as I storm away. Ugh! He can be such a jackass!

"Hey Ty ready to head home?" My dad and Leigh ask me.

"Yeah" I say looking back at Dean.




As soon as we get home I run to my room, jump on my bed, and cry myself to sleep.

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