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Tyler's POV
"Hey Ty! How was your night?" Leigh asks when I get home.
"It was fun." I answer. "Where's my dad?" I ask hoping he wasn't here.
"Oh he left a little bit ago to. He actually called just before you got here" she answers. "He wanted to see if you were here."she continues.
"Oh well I'm gonna get ready for Raw" I say running up to my room. I take a shower and get ready. In the shower I cry. I need to stop crying, Dean is not worth crying over. Neither is AJ. At least I get to beat her up tonight.
At Raw
Leigh dropped me off at the arena. I walk in and see AJ. She runs over.
"Hey Ty!" AJ smiles at me.
"AJ, just leave me alone!" I say walking off.
"What's wrong?" she asks following me.
"You damn right know what's wrong!" I snap. She looks shocked. "Why would you fucking do that?!?!" I yell at her.
"What are you talking about? What did I do?" AJ asks me confused.
"Wow! Denying sending that video? That's low even for you!" I say. She looked shocked and upset. "Just stay away from me you crazy bitch!" I storm away. This time she doesn't follow me. I sit on a large storage bin so I can think. I text my dad.
Text convo
Tyler: hey I'm at the arena
Seth: ok
T: I'll see ya before the show
S: actually lets meet up after the show
T: ok?
S: just don't come to dressing room
T: ok? C ya l8r good luck 2ngt!
Huh? That was weird. I go to the diva's locker room to get ready for my match.
"Hey T! What's up?" Nikki says when I walk in to the locker room. Nikki, Nattie, Naomi, Cameron, and Rosa was the only ones in the room.
"Uh Vince just told me that I have a match tonight." I say. All the girls squeal.
"Yay! Your one of us!" Rosa says.
"What are you gonna wear?" Cameron asks.
"Who you versing tonight?" Nattie asks.
"I have no idea and I'm versing AJ" I answer. "But it's supposed to be a surprise" I explain. They nod.
"Here this will look hawt on you!" Nikki says grabbing some gear from the randomness box of ring gear.
"Thanks" I say as I go put it on. Rosa, Nattie, and Naomi leave for hair and makeup.
"Your gonna rock it! Good luck girly!" Cameron says as I finish changing. "Oh Nikki! Your right! She looks hawt!" Cam says to Nikki.
"I know!" Nikki smiles. "Let's do her hair and makeup" she says flipping her hair back. They attack me with makeup and hair spray.

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