Episode 2- UA here I come

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You were in your room wearing your suit to watch the contest in the UA academy and you heard a knock on the door.

You:Come in

Then you heard footsteps approaching you and turned and saw your mother in a blue dress matching you and your father suit

Mom:You look good son I hope no one steals you from me

You then feel your cheeks getting hot and you turned so your mom couldn't see you


Mom:okay okay I will stop

She then walked over to you and help adjust your tie and whispered

Mom:your dad will be proud of you

She left my tie and hugged you, you hugged back and she left as the door closed a tear fell down your face.i then wiped my eyes and went downstairs to meet my father and mother in the dining room being served breakfast I sat next to my mother and said

You:Good Morning Father

Dad:Good Morning (Y/N)

I was surprised my dad greeted me back then I saw my mom use her elbow to gently hit my dad side and he coughed and said

Dad:I like your suit very much

You:tha..than.th...thank you

Dad:your welcome

After that we started eating after we were done we told the maid to tell the driver to get the car ready,after that the maid told us it's ready and we got in the car and it was quiet and awkward until my father spoke

Dad:(Y/N) I will be introducing you to my friends

You:your friends are heros so does that mean you will introduce me to your hero friends

My father nodded his head in a yes fashion,I then said okay and thought in my head"I will show my dad he can be proud of me"I then clenched my fists thinking of it as a smile grew on my face.

Timeskip brought to you by todoroki is cool.
I looked out the car window to see us enter a place where stood a tall building manly with glass and a letter h on top and I then saw some heros exiting there cars and then we stopped and my mom said

Mom: we are here

I couldn't believe this is the school yes i have heard of it but I never expected it to this big,my heart was beating faster than ever and my dad noticed it and as he left the car he cleared his throat and said

Dad: don't be nervous it going to be alright and he patted my back

With that I calmed down that the man I hated the most was trying to calm me down,as me and my mom left the car we were surrounded by reporters asking us question

Reporter 1:Mr Quick what brings you here is it for your son

Reporter 2:Ms Spark are you still a hero and you look splendid

Reporter 3:Mr (Y/N) how does it feel to be in UA and have two famous Heros to be your parents

They kept asking questions until my dad spinned his hand in a circular motion making a strong gust of wind push them back and it made a way for us to pass,we quickly passed the way and entered into the school to see plenty parents with their child I thought"I guess I'm not the only one going here through recommendation"my father and mother excused themself to meet his friends after a few minutes he came back with the one and only number 2 hero endeavor,when they arrived my dad said

Dad: Endeavor this is my son (Y/N),(Y/N) this is endeavor

You: pleased to meet you sir I said as I brought out my hand and he shook it and said

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