Episode 9

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After we ate dinner,I called my maid to the dinning to take the plates then Mineta said

Mineta:Uh.....Y/N do you happen to have a field we can use

You:yeah I do actually it's at the back I can take you there

Everyone: Yeah!!

I took them to the back and they saw the field

Everyone:This is your field!!!?

You:Yeah it's nothing

Mineta:this is nothing is as big as a football stadium

You:yeah yeah did anyone bring any book or paper so we can write down our quirk

Uraraka:yes I have a book

You:good now everyone tell Uraraka your quirk

Mineta:my quirk are the balls on my head they become more sticky by how my body is

Uraraka:okay now how about you momo.

Momo:oh my quirk allow me to make any solid material as long as I know what's it's made of

Uraraka:okay nows my turn my quirk is that anything I touch I can make it float and when I put my hands together and say release they stop floating,now it's your turn Y/N

You:my powers is just super speed and Electricity and lightning

Uraraka:okay now the last person is izuku

When she said izuku name he started to sweat and choke on his words

Izuku:U-Uh my qu-quirk(clears throat)it's.....uh

You:izuku can you follow me please excuse us

Then you took izuku back inside the house

You:what's wrong why can't you say what your power is

Izuku:you see the thing is uh.....

You touch his shoulder and say

You:you can tell me your secret is safe with me

Izuku smiles and sighs and tells you about how he inherited his powers from all might

You:that explains your unknown powers and I guess that is why you keep hurting yourself

Izuku: yeah but I can't tell anyone about it and we need it for our project

You: dont worry I know what to do about it

You and izuku walk out and head back to your friends

Mineta:Y/N,Izuku what took you so long so what is izuku quirk

Izuku was about to talk until I spoke

You:he has super strength and he can't control it so that is why he keeps hurting himself

Uraraka:oh that explains a lot,okay now we know each other quirk how about we train them,uh y/n do you have any training equipment we can use

You:yeah in that shack over there,you say while pointing to a wooden building next to the field

Uraraka:okay thanks

Then they go to get the equipment while you think about how to use your powers
"If I use my powers my cloth will burn off but if I use it too much my body will burn so I have to figure out a way to use",you were brought out of thought by Mineta calling your name

Mineta:Y/n we brought it so let's start

You:yeah let's start

Then you and the others place down the dummies all over the field

Uraraka:now*pant*that's all*pant*done who is starting first, considering Mineta powers is useless here how about you go first  Y/N you can make use of this

Mineta: seriously

Uraraka:yeah so y/n


Uraraka:okay momo can you bring the camera


Momo came back a few minutes later with the camera they setted it up and gave me a thumbs up,I stood there while thinking"I can't over do it I can signal my powers to my right arm and leg only but my clothes will burn off so if I can move fast enough my clothes won't be that harmed".you thought

You:here goes nothing,you say while electricity covers up your right arm and right leg,you then start running in lightning fast speed and destroy all the dummies leaving smoke on them,you stop to see your right arm sleeve is completely burned off and your right leg sleeve is slightly burned off

Uraraka:wow Y/N your fast but your clothes are burnt off

You:it's okay,you said while taking off your hoodie to reveal your packs,you then see uraraka and momo blush

Uraraka:so uh(clears throat )Deku your next.

Izuku walks to the path that had the dummies,you go up to him and say

You:you don't have to do this you will be out of commission if you do it

Izuku:it's okay I have to control my powers so if I lazy around I won't master it

You then walk back to the group while izuku stands there for some time and suddenly he held his wrist of one of his hands and he used his thumb to hold his middle finger then he released and flicked it making a gust of wind breaking all the dummies,while everyone jaw dropped before momo spook up

Momo:what power is that

Izuku:*giggles*I have been working on it

You smile and the rest of the test takes place until it was night,your maid now said you should all go and eat dinner

You:okay guys I think that's enough,I think we should go and eat now we can continue tomorrow


You were all walking inside until uraraka spoke

Uraraka:uh...Y/N you might wanna wear a shirt and change,she said while blushing

You looked at your yourself and saw you didn't have a shirt on and your trousers were almost gone

You:oh yeah kinda forgot will be right back,you said while you went to your room to change into something else

That's all for this chapter next chapter will be out later today so stay tuned.
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