Episode 21

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You woke up and changed,ate the berries and vegetables the guardian always gives you and went to meet Zeus.

"Hi Zeus"You said.

"You do not greet a god like that,anyways let's get ready for your training today it has been a week so.i think it's time for you to go to the other level white"Said Zeus.

"Okay I'm not questioning you,let do this"You Said.

You breathed in and out and shouted

"Aaaarggggggghhhhhhh!!"you shouted,while your body was covered with yellow lightning and red electricity.

"I knew it,it's impossible for you to learn white,not even a mere mortal can do it"Said Zeus.

You heard him say that and you shouted at the top of your lungs while the yellow lightning started changing colour to white.

"Wait your doing it keep it up"Said Zeus.

You kept on shouting until the yellow lightning changed to white permanently.then you stood there breathing heavily while looking at your body.

"I did it I actually did it"You said.

"Yes but can you move"Said Zeus.

" I think so with my electricity I can move"You said.

"Good because your fighting me in that state"Said Zeus.

"Oh your on"you said,while taking your axe.

"Oh no your not using the StormBreaker you depend on it to much"Said Zeus.

"Fine"you told Zeus.

You then rushed him and started punching but he dodged it all with one hand.then he started shooting you lightning zaps,you rolled out of the way and started shooting yours,it was then Zeus turn to rush you you started dodging with your two hands but it was difficult,so you jumped to a big rock to catch your breath but Zeus shot a beam to the rock breaking it you jumped down just in time and landed on your feet,you then used one of Zeus trick and smash your leg to the ground creating a massive shockwave,Zeus reacted fast and jumped but you speared him in the air while punching his face,you kept punching his face until Zeus shouted.

"ENOUGH!!!"Said Zeus.

Which pushed you away while he got up and snapped his fingers creating more of the lightning figures only this time they were blue.

"No fair in that case"You said,while stretching your hand for the axe.

You got the axe and threw it which went through all of them,you then opened your hand and the axe came back,you then rushed to Zeus,while you were running to Zeus before you could hit him you jumped in the air and   slammed the axe in the ground breaking the ground beneath you and him,you both started falling as you guys were punching  in mid air,you then used his body to boost yourself up before giving him a drop kick to kick him to the ground.

He caught your leg and slammed you to the  ground as well while he got up you wanted to get up but he stepped on your back.

"I won surrender"Said Zeus.

"Nope you haven't"you said while smirking.

"What do you me-"Zeus said but was interrupted but a cut to his side making him step back and holding that place.

He then saw you called for the StormBreaker and as It was coming to you it scraped his side.

"Clever boy let's stop now"Said Zeus.

You used the axe to get up and the lightning and electricity faded away.

"Yeah I'm beat"you said while stretching."but can I ask you a question"You said to zeus.

"Of course mortal"Zeus said.

"Before I lost my quirk my lightning was blue,so does that mean that I was as strong as you when you are in blue form"You said.

"Yes I presume but you were not as strong as me in purple form,so don't get your hopes up"Zeus said."anyway let me teach you how to manipulate lightning"Zeus said.

"I thought you will never ask"you said.

"Okay it's quite easy just make lightning on your body then imagine it moving (just like how waterbenders bend water)use your hand to guide it,you can also make things with it but that is left for you to figure out"Zeus said.

You nodded and you used yellow lightning plus your Electricity,you started moving your hands and the lightning followed,you then started moving your hands in a faster pace than before then you imagined a whip and you made a yellow whip made of lightning,then you made it disappear followed by the lightning and electricity on your body.

"I did it,I did it"You said

"Now you did it it's time to shoot lightning from the sky"Zeus said.

"Wait I can do that"You said

"Yes now it triggers with anger,just concentrate on where you want it to hit it and the rest is in your control"Zeus said.

You nodded your head and clapped your hands together you then thought of where you want  to hit and closed your eyes and taught of you father,you remember everything he did,you then heard the sound of the cloud rumbling,you then got more angry making lightning to hit the ground.you calmed down and looked at Zeus

"I did it"you said before fainting

"Yes you did Y/N,yes you did"Said Zeus while smiling.

That's all I don't know what to say so

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