° Overhaul °

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It had been about three weeks since the Shigaraki fiasco. I hadn't talked to him since. For the first week or so, I couldn't be in the same room as him.

Every time I saw him, I would instantly glow black and run out of the room. Weak? I know.

At the minute, I can be in the same room but I have to be on the opposite side to him and I still can't look at him directly.

Magne keeps assuring me that I'll be able to face him at some point. I don't know if she's right, but it's definitely not going to happen soon.

For the past week, one member of the league hadn't been here as much as usual.

"Hey, do you know where Twice has been lately, I haven't seen him much." I asked Mr. Compress.

"I think he's finding new recruits or something. Don't really know." He answered. "Oh, speak of the devil."

I looked towards the door to see Twice with someone I didn't recognise. He had a sort of plague mask on and a purple feather boa looking thing stuck to his coat. The thing that attracted the most attention to me though was the fact that his hands were covered by gloves. I wondered if it was to do with his quirk or not.

"Twice, you seen to have brought us a crazy big fish." Shigaraki said.

The so called 'crazy big fish' was clearly unhappy with the name he had been given.

"You're the young Yakuza leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul, correct?" Shigaraki questioned.


"Are you riding high after All Might's retirement?" Magne asked the new villain.

"Actually, my organisation benefited from the defeat of All For One. Not the retirement of the so called symbol." Overhaul began. "There is no longer a king of the light and a king of the darkness."

"I will be the next to rule." Shigaraki replied.

"The League of Villains wasted members such as Muscular, Moonfish and Hero Killer: Stain." The masked villain argued. "If you join me, I can become the next ruler of darkness."

Despite the hand being over it, the look of irritation was clear on Shigaraki's face.

"You may leave now." He said with every word filled with poison.

Suddenly, I saw a quick movement across the room. I soon saw that it was Magne using her magnetism quirk to attract Overhaul's head towards her metal pole.

"Recently, I met with a like minded friend of mine," she began. "They told me to always live freely."

Refusing to live under Overhaul's rule, Magne striked the Hassaikai leader. In retaliation, the masked villain removed the glove from his left hand. My eyes widened as he went to touch Magne with his index finger.

"MAGNE!!!" I called out, to try and make her realise but it was too late. Her torso exploded, leaving a pool of blood on the floor.

Red light spilled from me. Anger. Anger was the only thing I felt at that moment.

"You'll pay for that!" I stated to Overhaul as I started to move towards him. I was stopped by Mr. Compress' hand on my shoulder.

"It's your fault." Overhaul began. "You threw the first punch."

Letting go of my shoulder, Compress leaps into action, despite warnings coming from our blue haired leader.

Before Mr. Compress had the chance to use his quirk, a gun was fired from up in the roof, sending a strange looking bullet towards him. It looked like a needle of sorts, but that didn't matter. What mattered was the fact that it had somehow stopped his quirk from working. The chance wasn't ignored by Overhaul as he blew Compress' arm off of his body.

In the heat of the moment, Shigaraki ran towards Overhaul in an attempt to decay him. Another needle was fired from the rafters; however, it missed. Before he could get to Overhaul, Shigaraki's path was blocked by a member of the Yakuza, causing him to disintegrate them instead.

It turned out that the entire Yakuza was here as they all came running in at that point, leaving us in a stalemate situation.

"I was sure that nobody followed me." Twice said, clearly surprised.

"It must have been someone's quirk." Shigaraki replied, as miffed as ever.

Placing the glove back on his hand, Overhaul spoke up. "It's a shame our meeting ended up so hostile." He began. "I guess the league won't be able to make level headed decisions anymore." He left the building through a hole that had been created in the wall, leaving his business card.

This man was pissing me off more and more by the second. First he comes in here insulting us, then he asks us to join him before killing Big Sis Magne and amputating one of Compress' arms and then goes straight back to insulting us! How he believed that we'd still go along with him was unbelievable. Rage built up inside of me, causing me to glow a deeper shade of crimson.

"I'll kill him." Toga said with an evil tone to her voice, holding up one of her knives.

"Me too." Twice said, being surprisingly one sided today.

"I'll come with you." I declared, forming a shard of my quirk material in my hand.

Before we could go after him, Shigaraki told us to stand down, despite the rage being clear in him as well.

The three of us walked over to Compress to check his condition.

"We should get him to a doctor." Toga said.

"Agreed." I replied. I looked over to the gaping hole in the wall. "We may need a new place to hide as well."

Hello there! Sorry for the wait on this chapter, I've had a lot going on these past few days. I just want to say that I've been receiving a lot of love for this series over the past week and I want to say thank you. We got to 1k reads as well! We got to this milestone far quicker than with my other story which bodes well. I love every single one of you!!

- H xx

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