Chapter 4

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   And here I was, sitting awkwardly at the table while Ibe and Eiji where arguing about going back to Japan.

"I'm not going back to japan!" Eiji slammed his hands on the table, raising his voice. "How can you say that now?"

Welp....this is awkward

"Because of what's happening!" It was Ibes turn to raise his voice. "They know that you are close to Ash, who knows when they'll come for you?!"

Eiji lowered his head and muttered "I'm not afraid..."

Ibe sighed " that's not what I'm talking about. This is real. They're real mafia family. If something were to happen to you, what would i tell your parents?" He shakes his head with disappointment. "It was already hard enough persuading them to come here...."

Before they could snap each others neck, Nadia came into the room and gestured us to follow her.

"12:32 I'm sorry..."

  I slowly looked down at my feet, ashamed, clutching on my hoodie. 

I could have saved him...but I didn't ...I'm disappointing everyone even in this universe..

Eiji was fretting as he didn't know what he would tell Ash tomorrow. I patted his shoulder and gave him a small reassuring smile.

Eventually, Ibe told younger boy "let's call Charlie, this is not something for amateurs to handle. He won't be able to keep calm. Golzines men might use it and jump Ash with it."

* Next Day*

Five of you were sitting silently in a car. I was looking out of the window as Eiji was squished between me and Ibe. Ash had curled up in his seat, faking his sickness.

"How are you feeling?" Charlie asked.

"I feel sick...Can you pull over?"

"Sure" he stopped the car and hopped out of it to help Ash, which resulted him being kept at gunpoint. "W-what do you think you're doing?"

"You three get out of the car, sorry" he demanded. Ibe opened the door and we got out. I didn't close the door so I could get into it in few minutes.

"What do you think you're doing? Have you gone insane?"

"Ask your chatty friend, he knows."

"Fuck!—Max that idiot!"

I silently gestured Eiji to get to the steering wheel as those three continued to fight.
Suddenly Ibe yelled out "Watch out! Arthur!"
Ash lost his focus and was tackled by two men. That's when Eiji dashed to the drivers seat and me at the back seat, locking my door.

Eiji stepped on the gas, this was followed by screams of protest from the two men. I opened the window and sticked my head out "Don't worry guys!! We'll be fine!" I shouted.

"I bet Ibe-san is furious right now...." he sighed and I started laughing. "Haha! Did you see their faces? They looked so shocked"

Ash soon demanded " Stop the car."

"Eh?" Eiji was confused but still pulled over.

"Both of you get out."

"No, your brother was killed in front of my eyes and it was all because i was followed, even though you told me to be careful...." he gripped the steering wheel.

"Fine, then you get out (Y/N)."

"No way in hell. I was together with Eiji so it's partially my fault too and plus I won't just leave Eiji alone." I crossed my arms and huffed.

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