Chapter 7

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*Shorter's POV*

I could hear someone shifting under my arms and soon I heard the doors close. I patted the space where (Y/N) once was but it was empty. I got worried for a second. The sleepiness was completely gone. I decided to follow (Y/N), just in case something happened. I quickly put on my clothes, pulled up my pants, and tip-toed so I wouldn't wake up anyone.

I closed the door behind me and walked outside. That's when I saw her..... The moon was a wraith-silver disc hanging in the lonely sky. Lasers of moonlight, as bright as diamond-flame, turned the sea a-glow like melted platinum. It was as if I was watching a scene from an old fable stepping off the page and I was beguiled by its beauty. The waves were a-glitter like curved scales and I became lost in the haunting lullaby of their swell and sigh. The moonlight shone down on her, a diffuse glow, lighting the field from pitch black to charcoal grey.

She looked like she was training, and by the looks, I would guess that it was tai chi. She was moving flawlessly, light as a feather. Her face seemed so peaceful, it was almost like she became one with nature. She turned around as if she sensed that I was there. She gave me a small smile. I couldn't help but blush, she looked so beautiful.....I had never felt this kind of thing with anyone was as if she had cast a spell on me. I walked towards her but she was the first one to break the silence.

"Can't sleep?" She asked, slightly tilting her head.

"I should be asking you that" I let out a raspy chuckle, ruffling her hair.

She chuckles with me and then continues "Yeah.... I couldn't sleep so I decided to let out some energy, hoping that I'll get sleepy."

"Does this happen to you often?" I ask curiously.

She rubs the back of her head, nodding "yeah....It's been happening for a long time but I didn't bother telling my mom about it since I knew she would blame it on my phone, like always....After I grew up and left home, I went to the doctor and got on sleeping pills, but you know, they are quite addictive. Soon one pill won't be enough and you'll end up taking more and more. Well, that happened to me, so I dropped them before it was too late." She let out a long sigh.

She seemed like she didn't want to talk about her past so I took her hand and jogged to the edge of the hill where a wooden railing was built. She leaned against the railing, causing it to creak.

"Say...those movements that you were just doing, it was tai chi right?" I asked.

She looked at me with a surprised face with a glint of impression. "How did you know?"

"I've been learning martial arts for a long time so I know" I admitted proudly.

She gives me a suspicious look, raising her right eyebrow and slowly looking me up and down. "You? With that fat ass? I doubt it." She smirked. I know she was challenging me and I wasn't going to let her get away with this so I had this genius idea. "Don't believe me? Then we should spar."

That seemed to pique her interest and walked up to me close "You think you can handle me? Sausage finger." She snickers.

I lift her chin up and say it a low voice " And I think you forgot that I am a gang leader."

She playfully slaps my hand away and gives me a determined look. "Fine then, let's spar."

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Shorter bent down and stretched his back. He turned his neck from left to right and popping it with a series of clicks in rapid succession. Then, he proceeded to do the same with the rest of his body as he loosened up the rest of his body.
"Don't hold back or I am going to break you."I snarled at Shorter.
Shorter shrugged his shoulders, smiled, and slowly brought one foot behind his back. I and Shorter circled each other, each one grinning at the tension we had caused. Suddenly, Shorter lept forward, charging at me. quickly sprinting towards me and coming closer, then trying to jab out but I saw those moves and quickly dodged. And so our little sparring lasted for at least 10 minutes. We were both exhausted from throwing punches, so I decided to put an end to it. With the speed of a cat, I rushed towards Shorter, grabbed him by the throat, and threw him down. That caused him to start coughing and I immediately rushed towards him and got on my knees to check on him.

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