Chapter 6

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The next morning everyone was awoken and thrown at the back of the truck. Max volunteered to drive, I could have driven but being alone with Ash would be pretty intense. I'm not a social person myself, and the silence would be unbearing, so I just chose to just rest.

I could hear someone shouting at us, but I didn't want to open my eyes.

"Get your lazy asses up! And stop hugging Shorters leg (Y/N)!"

That's when my eyes slowly started to open, and I was under Shorter, hugging his thigh. I quickly let go and got up, shaking Shorter and Eiji awake.

"Whatever. We're here so hurry up and get up." Ash stated one last time before closing the curtain of the truck.

Finally these lazy asses woke up and we got out, and the sudden wind touched my face, sending a quick shiver down my spine. I rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight. The sound of waves caught my attention and I jogged to the edge of the hill. "Woah," I gasped. The view was gorgeous. Even though I've been to the beach thousands of time, the beauty still amazed me.

"What a nice place" Eiji said, standing right next to Ash.

"Hard to believe this place is only 500 kilometers from New York." Shorter was  speechless. I nodded and closed my eyes to feel the soft breeze. Shorter wrapped his arm around me, leaning down to whisper in my ear his suggestion "Hey how about we go to the beach later if we have time?"

I looked at him with excitement and nodded furiously "Hell yeah! It's been a while since I was on the beach, I kinda missed it." I brushed my hair behind my ear. Soon we heard Max's voice calling over the waves.

"(Y/N)! Shorter. Cmon!" Max waved the two of us down.

The two of us caught up the group and Shorter spoke first, "So, where are we going?"

"Ash's house," Max replied.

We made our way to the bar, where Ashs dad was. Meeting Ashs dad had shocked everyone, well not me since i knew about his past and such. But i have to admit, it was pretty intense, I didn't think i would get mad, since I had watched the anime thousands of times but boy I was wrong.Hearing him say all those stuff about his son in real life made me want to punch him straight in the face. At least Jenifer was nice. I don't get why such a nice person like her would be with a prick like him. As six of us wondered the halls of Ashs and Griffins childhood home, I found young Ash and Griffin. They looked so precious,innocent, my heart ached at the thought of someone destroying their innocence.

Suddenly, I heard a yelp from Eiji, who had thrown himself at Shorter. The letters were found.

"Griffin was the only one who wrote letters to me..." Ash explained briefly, having a sad look in his eyes.

We went to Griffins room, where Shorter found a photo album. After flipping few pages, we found the clue that we've been looking for.

"Look!" Eiji's voice pierced the silence and everyone rushed around him, he held out the picture and put his finger into the guy's face, "He is the man who shot Ash's brother."

Max took a quick glance and looked up " Are you absolutely sure?"

Eiji nodded and I added my own two cents " Yeah, I remember him too." That piece of shit, I definitely won't let him get away with all of the stuff he's done.

"That's the squad Griff was in before he joined me. Let's take a look at the list of names." He quickly scanned the row of names and located Griff's killer. "Let's see....Abraham Dawson, lives in LA, 102, 42nd hollywood. That's the adress Steve Thompson said before he died.

"Yeah, there's nothing about him on the web either." Ash added, scrolling down the phone.

"Has anyone been to LA?" Max asked.

I slowly raised my hand " I have....I've been there several times during road trip with my friends." I smiled as the memories flood my mind.

"That's great. And thankfully Golzine doesn't have men in the west, otherwise we would be in trouble if we wondered in the wrong neighborhood.We should figure out the mystery by ourselves " Max added.

Everyone agreed, that's when Eiji whipped his head towards me with the "help me out with Ibe" look. I sighed and nodded, both of us slowly turned out heads towards Ibe, giving him puppy looks. "Hey Ibe-san...."

"Don't look at me like that guys,I won't back out now, it's too dangerous to go back to Manhattan anyways."

"Yay!" We both exclaimed and high-fived each other.

"I wish we could leave tonight but the truck needs some repairing and all of you need some rest. Golzine's men won't be able to find us that quickly either." Max continued.

"We need to leave now. If we want to corner Dino, we have to find that man." Ash protested.

"Come on, we'll find him, Ash." His shoulder drooped as he sighed tiredly, "Some of us here are old, you know? Besides, your shoulder hasn't healed yet."

Ash groaned and shook his head, obviously exasperated, "This why I hate old guys. If you can't keep up, don't come!" he stomped towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Max called after him.

"To get blankets from the truck,Help me out, Eiji."

Soon Ash and Eiji brought the blankets. We laid out few of them on the floor. Soon night came and everyone went to sleep, except for me. Shorter was next to me, clinging on me. I couldn't get to sleep. My brain wouldn't chill out. I was getting more and more frustrated. No matter how much i changed the positions, I couldn't sleep.The sun comes up whether you've slept or not. So I had to get up and let out my pent up frustration and energy out before the sun came up.

I slowly removed Shorters hand from me,which were wrapped around my waist. I carefully put on my shoes on, grabbing cigarettes and my phone, I made my way outside where the moon was shining brightly.
Oh god, school is starting next week,
I'm not ready for that shit 😤😤

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