info about you

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Birthday- December 25th
Age- 17
Name- Dovah Fent Alok
Gender- female
Pronouns- she/her
Sexuality- strait
Hair color- black
Hair length and style- long to waist normally down
Eye color- purple
Skin tone- pale white
Hight- 5'5"
Mutation type- teleportation: anywhere that can be seen or have been distance is unlimited, also lets out purple particles and makes the sound of an enderman teleporting from Minecraft.
Dragon: has three forms one ~ can fully become the shape of a black  dragon in any size from as big as a humpback wale to as small as a squirrel. Two ~ an in-between as she is human with draconic features like tail, wings, horns, pointed ears and fangs as well as black scales covering her privates and scattered randomly on her body acting like freckles. Three ~ looks like a normal person but with fangs.
Fire breath: a purple fire that can either heal others or set things ablaze
Advanced senses: sight, smell, sound, taste, touch
Code name- dragoness
Fear- bugs
Personality- shy, smart, brave, gullible
Background- she was adopted as a baby from Alaska but her adoptive parent's decided she kept the name her birth parent's had given her before they died.
Likes- fruits, vegetables, fish
Dislikes- meat
More info- she gains an animalistic personality with her mutation often making her have animalistic behaviors and tendencies without her noticing.

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